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PowerBI DAX Measure: Sum of SalesAmount in future periods where data provides a single value and start date

I'm working on a revenue forecast using data from Salesforce that provides, for each Opportunity[Id], a close date and a single value for Monthly revenue (Annual revenue is also available if it makes the code easier to read/understand).

I appreciate your time and assistance with this problem.

Data in Model:

Opportunity[Id] Opportunity[close date] Opportunity[Monthly Weighted Revenue]
A 2024-09-20 10
B 2024-11-12 40
C 2024-10-24 20

Note: Opportunity[close date] is related to 'Calendar'[Date]

Requirement output #1:

Opportunity[Id] Jul'24 Aug'24 Sep'24 Q2'24 Oct'24 Nov'24 Dec'24 Q4'24 FY'24
A 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 40.00
B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 80.00 80.00
C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 60.00 60.00
Total 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 70.00 70.00 170.00 180.00

Requirement output #2:

Note: values for Opportunity A contribute to the total in Q4'24 even though it has a close date in Q3'24 which isn't in the current filter context. Other filters such as Opportunity[status] still need to filter the report.

Opportunity[Id] Q4'24 FY'24
Total 170.00 170.00

Current Code:

My current measure repeats the monthly weighted revenue when rendered in a table visual with columns for Opportunity[Id] and months, however, it doesn't work when I remove Opportunity[Id] and it doesn't work for subtotals. I've tried various iterations of SUMX() over a table that calls the variable "_Monthly_Weighted_Revenue_Fixed_Repeating", but none have worked so far.

MRW extended = 
VAR _CurrentMonth =
VAR _CloseMonth = 
        EOMONTH( MAX(Opportunity[CloseDate] ), 0 ),
VAR _Monthly_Weighted_Revenue_Fixed = // stores the value corresponding with the single close date in a way it can be called from any period.
        [Monthly Revenue Weighted],
VAR _Monthly_Weighted_Revenue_Fixed_Repeating = // this repeats the above value for all future months.
        _CurrentMonth >= _CloseMonth,
RETURN _Monthly_Weighted_Revenue_Fixed_Repeating

Update Fri, Aug 21 '24:

I have the below code working tentatively.

  • Open to refactoring suggestions.
  • satisfies my two required outputs above, but haven't tested for unexpected results with report filters or slicers.
Monthly Revenue Weighted =
        CROSSJOIN( // returns a table with all combinations of opportunity[Id] and Date (as EOM)
            CALCULATETABLE( TREATAS ( DISTINCT( Opportunity[Id]), Opportunity[Id] ), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
            TREATAS(DISTINCT('Calendar'[Date as EOM]),'Calendar'[Date])
        "closeDate", CALCULATE( EOMONTH(MAX(Opportunity[CloseDate]),0), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
        "MRW" ,
        IF( // returns monthly weighted revenue beginning on the close date and continuing into future periods.
            'Calendar'[Date] >= CALCULATE( EOMONTH(MAX(Opportunity[CloseDate]),0), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
                [Annual Revenue Weighted] / 12,


  • Update Fri, Aug 21 '24: I have the below code working tentatively.

    Monthly Revenue Weighted =
            CROSSJOIN( // returns a table with all combinations of opportunity[Id] and Date (as EOM)
                CALCULATETABLE( TREATAS ( DISTINCT( Opportunity[Id]), Opportunity[Id] ), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
                TREATAS(DISTINCT('Calendar'[Date as EOM]),'Calendar'[Date])
            "closeDate", CALCULATE( EOMONTH(MAX(Opportunity[CloseDate]),0), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
            "MRW" ,
            IF( // returns monthly weighted revenue beginning on the close date and continuing into future periods.
                'Calendar'[Date] >= CALCULATE( EOMONTH(MAX(Opportunity[CloseDate]),0), REMOVEFILTERS('Calendar') ),
                    [Annual Revenue Weighted] / 12,