I implemented a standard Rails (and RESTful) process to CRUD an object.
The only customization (or "configuration over convention") I need is the following:
After a standard edit form, instead of showing the object, I show its "preview" (which simply is the action "show" with some adjustments in the view and with "object.status = preview") at this point I need to allow the user to "confirm" or "save" this previewed object with a simple button. Like if the user where submitting again the edit form (or the same object) but without having to see it again. Just hitting a "Confirm" button.
(In the update action I check if the object.status is "preview" and if so I consider it confirmed and I show a confirmation message instead of the preview).
My only missing piece is the "Confirm" button in the "show" view to PUT the @object.
How can I implement it?
PS: I know the best practice is to show the preview in the edit view (just like in stackoverflow.com) but in my app the design is very important so I need to provide the most close to reality as possible preview.
You probably don't need another action, just another view. Basically the flow is something like this:
Here's the controller code, since it's the most complicated piece:
# controller
def show
@widget = Widget.new
def edit
@widget = Widget.find(params[:id])
def update
previewed = params.delete(:previewed)
@widget = Widget.find(params[:id])
@widget.attributes = params
if @widget.valid? && previewed
redirect_to widget_path(@widget), :notice => 'Yay'
elsif @widget.valid?
render :preview
render :edit