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How to list all directory extension definitions within an Entra ID tenant?

How to list all directory extension definitions within an Entra ID tenant.

Get-MgDirectoryObjectAvailableExtension returns only a few directory extension definitions originating from multi-tenant applications:

Return all directory extension definitions that have been registered in a directory, including through multi-tenant apps.

In particular, directory extension definitions created on an application in the tenant aren't returned. They are returned by Get-MgApplicationExtensionProperty -ApplicationId ApplicationId, which requires an application ID.

enter image description here


  • To list all directory extension definitions within a Microsoft Entra ID tenant, make use of below PowerShell script as a workaround:

    # Retrieve all applications in the tenant
    $applications = Get-MgApplication
    $allExtensions = @()
    # Loop through each application to get its extension properties
    foreach ($app in $applications) {
        $extensions = Get-MgApplicationExtensionProperty -ApplicationId $app.Id
        $allExtensions += $extensions
    # Retrieve available extension properties for directory objects
    $directoryExtensions = Get-MgDirectoryObjectAvailableExtensionProperty
    # Combine both results
    $allExtensions += $directoryExtensions

    enter image description here

    • There is no direct command to fetch both directory and all application extension properties.