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C# filter referenced assemblies on calling assembly

I have a classlib and a solution located in different directories.

from classlib I am calling GetCallingAssembly that returns an executable from solution followed by callingAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies that returns the references, now I want to perform an optimization to filter out the references and remove all package refs, aiming to find a certain type.

Note: I don't want to depend on Name property of references.

enter image description here


  • ...if you just want to find all types in all loaded assemblies that are derived from your AggregateRoot type, without searching assemblies that can't possibly contain a subclass, then all you need is this:

    public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesDerivedFromAggregateRoot()
        Assembly[] asses = AppDomain.Current.GetAssemblies();
        Type typeofRoot = typeof(AggregateRoot);
        AssemblyName mustReferenceThisAssembly = typeofRoot.Assembly.GetName();
        List<Assembly> candidates = asses
            .Where( ass => ass
                .Any( ra => AssemblyName.ReferenceMatches( reference: ra, definition: mustReferenceThisAssembly ) )
        foreach( Assembly candidate in candidates )
            Type[] types = candidate.GetTypes();
            foreach( Type t in types )
                if( typeofRoot.IsAssignableFrom( t ) ) yield return t;