Just wanted to share a way you can display revenue, expenses, profit values and show variance based on previous year. Expense colors should be reversed since less is better. Answer below.
Here we go:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "Using window transform to impute missing values in a line chart by averaging the previous and next values.",
"title": [
"Revenue, Expenses, Profit: 2024",
"Variance based on previous year/month",
"data": {
"values": [
{"period": "2024-01", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1000, "PY": 900},
{"period": "2024-02", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1100, "PY": 800},
{"period": "2024-03", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1300, "PY": 1350},
{"period": "2024-04", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 900, "PY": 1110},
{"period": "2024-05", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 950, "PY": 750},
{"period": "2024-06", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1030, "PY": 1000},
{"period": "2024-07", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1080, "PY": 950},
{"period": "2024-08", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 900, "PY": 910},
{"period": "2024-09", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 960, "PY": 800},
{"period": "2024-10", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1200, "PY": 1000},
{"period": "2024-11", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1280, "PY": 1350},
{"period": "2024-12", "type": "Revenue", "CY": 1400, "PY": 1350},
{"period": "2024-01", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 600, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-02", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 550, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-03", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 600, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-04", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 500, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-05", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 450, "PY": 550},
{"period": "2024-06", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 630, "PY": 750},
{"period": "2024-07", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 380, "PY": 650},
{"period": "2024-08", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 200, "PY": 350},
{"period": "2024-09", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 660, "PY": 450},
{"period": "2024-10", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 700, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-11", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 480, "PY": 700},
{"period": "2024-12", "type": "Expenses", "CY": 300, "PY": 400},
{"period": "2024-01", "type": "Profit", "CY": 100, "PY": 200},
{"period": "2024-02", "type": "Profit", "CY": 200, "PY": 150},
{"period": "2024-03", "type": "Profit", "CY": 300, "PY": 350},
{"period": "2024-04", "type": "Profit", "CY": 100, "PY": 50},
{"period": "2024-05", "type": "Profit", "CY": 250, "PY": 300},
{"period": "2024-06", "type": "Profit", "CY": 330, "PY": 500},
{"period": "2024-07", "type": "Profit", "CY": 180, "PY": 100},
{"period": "2024-08", "type": "Profit", "CY": 200, "PY": 300},
{"period": "2024-09", "type": "Profit", "CY": 360, "PY": 450},
{"period": "2024-10", "type": "Profit", "CY": 100, "PY": 200},
{"period": "2024-11", "type": "Profit", "CY": 280, "PY": 100},
{"period": "2024-12", "type": "Profit", "CY": 300, "PY": 300}
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"as": "diff"
"calculate": "(datum.type === 'Expenses' ? (datum.CY == datum.PY ? '🠊' : datum.CY - datum.PY > 0 ? '🠉' : '🠋') : (datum.CY == datum.PY ? '🠊' : datum.CY - datum.PY < 0 ? '🠋' : '🠉'))+ format((datum.CY - datum.PY < 0 ? (datum.CY - datum.PY)*-1 : (datum.CY - datum.PY)), '.0f')",
"as": "icon"
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{"calculate": "datum.CY <= datum.PY ? datum.PY : datum.CY", "as": "bigVal"},
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