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auto hot key v2: block of code does not execute when holding shift key

this is actually a script for my little game.. when player is running (you need hold the shift to run faster/sprint) and if you do so the script does not have to release the key and then press "xButton2" to make it work...this so annoying.. can you please show me how i can modify the script so it executes the block of code there (xButton2) even if iam holding shift or not.

#SingleInstance Force

    Send "{2 down}"
    Sleep 50 ;sleep 
    Send "{2 up}"
    Sleep 50
    Send '{Alt}'
    Sleep 300
    MouseClick "Right"
    Send '{Alt}'

; XButton2  these are some extra button with my mouse
; XButton1

    Send "{6 down}"
    Sleep 50
    Send "{6 up}"
    Sleep 50
    MouseClick "Right"


  • oh boy it was piece of cake i am so noob at programming..just add * at the start of macro: *~x:: { Send "{2 down}" Sleep 50 ;sleep }