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R: Replicating an INDEX MATCH to the Corresponding Column

The operation I want to achieve is similar to an Excel-style INDEX MATCH. Essentially, I have a frame:

dta <- read_excel('CPI/Global Inflation New.xlsm',
                  sheet = 'Cleaned', skip = 1)
colnames(dta)[1] <- 'Date'
dta$Date <- as.Date(dta$Date, format='%d%m%Y')

That looks like this:

    |  Date          US    Canada      EU    Germany
1   |  2023-03-15    3.1      2.8     0.9       1.3
2   |  2023-04-15    3.3      2.5     1.2       1.5
3   |  2023-05-15    3.2      2.6     1.0       1.4
45  |  2024-04-15    2.9      2.7     2.1       2.1
46  |  2024-05-15    NA       2.6     NA        2.3

And I want to create a new frame which has the country headers as one column, and the most recent value for that country in the second column. For example:

    | Country    Latest
1   | US         2.9
2   | Canada     2.6
3   | EU         2.1

That 'new frame' so far is:

new_frm <- data.frame(colnames(dta[, -1]))
colnames(new_frm)[1] <- 'Country'
new_frm <- cbind(new_frm, "Latest"=NA)

I'm having trouble figuring out how to extract the relevant values from the dta frame. In Excel I would just pass the country name as a lookup value to the MATCH function, and then return the corresponding value (perhaps for the three most recent dates). Replicating this is R has proven more challenging... not really sure how to go about this. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • You can get the data in long format, drop the NA values and get the corresponding value for the latest date available for that country/region.

    dta %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = -Date, names_to = "Country", values_to = "Latest", 
                   values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
      summarise(Latest = Latest[which.max(Date)], .by = Country)
    #  Country Latest
    #  <chr>    <dbl>
    #1 US         2.9
    #2 Canada     2.6
    #3 EU         2.1
    #4 Germany    2.3