I started learning how to do "PowerShell script code in Standard workflows". seams good solution.
I tried to access the logic app parameters with:
$Cert = (@{parameters('CertificatePFX')} )
$domain =( @{parameters('AADDomain-(Prod)')} )
But I get error:
The inline code action 'Powershell' execution failed, with error 'At C:\home\site\wwwroot\wf-ReduceProposals\execute_powershell_code.ps1:8 char:22 + $Cert = (@{parameters('CertificatePFX')} ) + ~ Missing '=' operator after key in hash literal. At C:\home\site\wwwroot\wf-ReduceProposals\execute_powershell_code.ps1:9 char:24 + $domain =( @{parameters('AADDomain-(Prod)')} ) + ~ Missing '=' operator after key in hash literal.'.
I hope someone knows the correct syntax for that. Maybe I can only get environment variables with $env.{vname}?
How about PnP-Powershell? how do I incorporate it?
Thank you
Access Logic App Parameters in PowerShell script code in Standard workflows
Parameters cannot be directly accessed inside the Inline PowerShell code, But they need to referenced with a variable or action output as below and I have followed Microsoft-Document and SO-Thread:
Firstly, initialized empty variable and then set it to parameters('test')
In Execute Powershell Code :
$rith = Get-ActionOutput -ActionName test
$test = $rith.outputs
$res = [string]$test.body.value
Push-WorkflowOutput -Output $res