When trying to iterate over this data from an ansible debug output I'm only able to iterate over the first element of the index which is zero 0. I would like to iterate over all of the elements. Below is a sample of the output coming out of ansible and below the output is the ansible tasks I'm working with.
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"item": {
"key": "SwitchName",
"value": [
"key": "1",
"value": {
"cdp": {
"address": "",
"deviceId": "482ef8200",
"portId": "Port C9300",
"sourcePort": "1"
"lldp": {
"managementAddress": "",
"portId": "2",
"sourcePort": "1",
"systemName": "**LAB-Remote-1**"
"key": "4",
"value": {
"cdp": {
"address": "",
"deviceId": "12efa487400",
"portId": "Port 1",
"sourcePort": "4"
"lldp": {
"managementAddress": "",
"portId": "1",
"sourcePort": "4",
"systemName": "C9300"
"key": "5",
"value": {
"cdp": {
"address": "",
"deviceId": "f43fc84af710",
"portId": "Port 1",
"sourcePort": "5"
"lldp": {
"managementAddress": "",
"portId": "1",
"sourcePort": "5"
"key": "6",
"value": {
"cdp": {
"address": "",
"deviceId": "4835187cff00",
"portId": "Port 50",
"sourcePort": "6"
"lldp": {
"managementAddress": "",
"portId": "50",
"sourcePort": "6"
Here is the code that I'm using looks like and in my task example I'm printing the 0 index of the list, and it returns the data fine, but I want to print all elements of the list, and the list size will vary.
- name: print out lldp port data
var: item.value.0.value.lldp.systemName
loop: "{{cdp_lldp_by_switch | dict2items}}"
This task will print out LAB-Remote-1 since its 0 in the list.
I discovered that using a nested loop configuration is the best approach to handle this situation.
I implemented the following solution:
Outer Loop: I use include_tasks to call another task file and loop over each switch.
Inner Loop: In the inner loop, I calculate the length of the list and then iterate over the list elements.
This approach was inspired by this YouTube video [Using Nested Loops In Ansible], which was very helpful in solving the issue.
outer loop task:
- name: Include task for nested loop
include_tasks: ./inner_loop.yml
loop: "{{ cdp_lldp_by_switch | dict2items }}"
loop_var: current_switch
inner loop task:
- name: Set port list length
port_len: "{{ current_switch.value | length | default(0) }}"
- name: Print out inner loop
msg: "{{ current_switch.value[item].value.lldp.systemName | default('none') }}:{{ current_switch.value[item].value.lldp.sourcePort | default('none') }}"
loop: "{{ range(0, port_len | int) }}"
loop_var: item