Search code examples

Remove duplicate rows from LEFT JOIN with SELF JOIN

How to create a join that has all product_features with all feature_text rows

  • that joins a specific text for a feature if available
  • or else joins the general text for that feature?

The join must not have duplicated rows and must pivot two languages into two different columns. The join should be as efficient / as fast as possible.

The relation between product_features and feature_text is

  • Products can have a specific text for a feature code (B12XBE for DSP)
  • or just a general text for a feature code (DSP, XAB for UTB2EF & X9Y8Z7)

Sample records for product_features and features_text

The result of the query should be this

Year product feature prod_group text_de text_en
2024 B12XBE DSP B1 Anzeige 2,5 Display 1"
2024 B12XBE B70 B1 NULL B1 hard...
2024 UTB2EF U04 UT NULL UT diam...
2024 UTB2EF DSP NULL Anzeige Display
2024 X9Y8Z7 DSP NULL Anzeige Display
2024 X9Y8Z7 XAB X9 13mm for ... 13mm für ..

If a specified text is available (B1 DSP) use this text Display 1" otherwise use the non-specific (DSP) text Display

My query below produces false matches (gist, demo):

  • See 2nd row 2024 B12XBE A1C B1 B1 hardened steal UT gehärteter Stahl is wrong. The texts should always start with UT.
  • Row 4,5,7 and 9 are also incorrect.

product features with two languaged


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS product_features;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS feature_text;
CREATE TABLE product_features (
    year INTEGER, -- (4)
    product TEXT, -- (6)
    feature TEXT -- (3)
CREATE TABLE feature_text (
    year INTEGER, -- (4)
    product_group TEXT,
     -- (2) usually matches the first two digits of product
     -- but is sometimes empty / NULL or blank ' '
    feature TEXT, -- (3)
    language INTEGER, -- (2)
    description1 TEXT -- up to 40

INSERT INTO product_features (year, product, feature) VALUES
    (2024, 'B12XBE', 'A1C'), (2024, 'B12XBE', '7B0'),
    (2024, 'B12XBE', 'DUL'), (2024, 'UTB2EF', 'A1C'),
    (2024, 'UTB2EF', '7B0'), (2024, 'UTB2EF', 'DUL'),
    (2024, 'X9Y8Z7', 'DUH'), (2024, 'X9Y8Z7', '7B0');

INSERT INTO feature_text
 (year, product_group, feature, language, description1)
  (2024, 'B1', 'A1C', 1, 'B1 hardened steel'),
  (2024, 'B1', '7B0', 1, 'B1 diamond tip'),
  (2024, 'B1', 'DSP', 1, 'display 1 inch'),
  (2024, 'B1', 'DSP', 1, 'Anzeige 1,5 cm'),
  (2024, 'UT', 'A1C', 1, 'UT hardened steel'),
  (2024, 'UT', '7B0', 1, 'UT diamond tip'),
  (2024, 'UT', 'DSP', 1, 'display 1,5 inch'),
  (2024, 'UT', 'DSP', 1, 'Anzeige 2,25 cm'),
  (2024, ' ', 'DUL', 1, '10mm for light duty'),
  (2024, 'X9', '7B0', 1, 'X9 diamond tip'),
  (2024, ' ', 'DUH', 1, '13mm for heavy duty'),
  (2024, 'B1', 'A1C', 2, 'B1 gehärteter Stahl'),
  (2024, 'B1', '7B0', 2, 'B1 Diamant Spitze'),
  (2024, 'UT', 'A1C', 2, 'UT gehärteter Stahl'),
  (2024, 'UT', '7B0', 2, 'UT Diamant Spitze'),
  (2024, ' ', 'DUL', 2, '10mm für leichte Aufgaben'),
  (2024, 'X9', '7B0', 2, 'X9 Diamant Spitze'),
  (2024, ' ', 'DUH', 2, '13mm für schwere Aufgaben'),
  (2024, NULL, 'DSP', 1, 'display'),
  (2024, NULL, 'DSP', 1, 'Anzeige');

My approach:

WITH prft_en as (
pf.year, pf.product, pf.feature,
COALESCE(ft1.product_group, ft2.product_group) AS product_group,
COALESCE(ft1.description1, ft2.description1) AS feature_text_en,
COALESCE(ft1.language, ft2.language) AS language_en
  FROM product_features pf
    LEFT JOIN feature_text  ft1
                 ON pf.year = ft1.year
                 AND pf.feature = ft1.feature
                 AND substr(pf.product, 1,2) = ft1.product_group
    LEFT JOIN feature_text ft2
                 ON pf.year = ft2.year
                 AND pf.feature = ft2.feature
                 AND ft2.product_group is ' ' OR ft2.product_group is NULL
WHERE ft1.language = 1 OR ft2.language = 1
), prft_de AS (
pf.year, pf.product, pf.feature,
COALESCE(ft1.product_group, ft2.product_group) AS product_group,
COALESCE(ft1.description1, ft2.description1) AS feature_text_de,
COALESCE(ft1.language, ft2.language) AS language_de
  FROM product_features pf
    LEFT JOIN feature_text  ft1
                 ON pf.year = ft1.year
                 AND pf.feature = ft1.feature
                 AND substr(pf.product, 1,2) = ft1.product_group
    LEFT JOIN feature_text ft2
                 ON pf.year = ft2.year
                 AND pf.feature = ft2.feature
                 AND ft2.product_group is ' ' OR ft2.product_group is NULL
WHERE ft1.language = 2 OR ft2.language = 2

Query for the CTEs:

SELECT prft_en.year, prft_en.product,
       prft_en.feature, prft_en.product_group,
       prft_en.feature_text_en, prft_de.feature_text_de
FROM prft_en
     LEFT JOIN prft_de
     ON prft_en.year = prft_de.year
     AND prft_en.feature = prft_de.feature
     AND SUBSTR(prft_en.product, 1,2) = prft_en.product_group


  • I suppose all you need is the LEFT join by complex condition. Like this:

        substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) AS product_group,
        text_en.description1 AS en,
        text_de.description1 AS de
    FROM product_features
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_en
    ON text_en.year = product_features.year
    AND text_en.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) = text_en.product_group OR text_en.product_group IS NULL OR TRIM(text_en.product_group) = '')
    AND text_en.language = 1
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_de
    ON text_de.year = product_features.year
    AND text_de.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) = text_de.product_group OR text_de.product_group IS NULL OR TRIM(text_de.product_group) = '')
    AND text_de.language = 2

    Note that you will get duplicates anyway if the different descriptions are provided both for individual product and for the product group. If you need to resolve such kind of duplicates then every LEFT JOIN needs to me made 2 times (for the product and for the group) and then the appropriate description should be taken with COALESCE.


    enter image description here

    Edit: Example how to avoid the latter kind of duplicates

        substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) AS product_group,
        COALESCE(text_en.description1, text_en_gen.description1) AS en,
        COALESCE(text_de.description1, text_de_gen.description1) AS de
    FROM product_features
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_en
    ON text_en.year = product_features.year
    AND text_en.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) = text_en.product_group)
    AND text_en.language = 1
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_en_gen
    ON text_en_gen.year = product_features.year
    AND text_en_gen.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (text_en_gen.product_group IS NULL OR TRIM(text_en_gen.product_group) = '')
    AND text_en_gen.language = 1
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_de
    ON text_de.year = product_features.year
    AND text_de.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (substr(product_features.product, 1, 2) = text_de.product_group)
    AND text_de.language = 2
    LEFT JOIN feature_text AS text_de_gen
    ON text_de_gen.year = product_features.year
    AND text_de_gen.feature = product_features.feature
    AND (text_de_gen.product_group IS NULL OR TRIM(text_de_gen.product_group) = '')
    AND text_de_gen.language = 2