Previously my boxplots looked like this (note the width of the whiskers):
Since the recent update, they now look like this:
I don't want the whiskers extending beyond the width of the 'box' but I can't find how to adjust this as I didn't set the width in the old version so the default must have changed. How do I change my plots back to how they were?
You can configure the ticks property (here they are red and 100 pixels long)
"$schema": "",
"description": "A horizontal box plot showing median and lower and upper quartiles of the distribution of body mass of penguins.",
"data": {"url": "data/penguins.json"},
"mark": {
"type": "boxplot",
"extent": 1.5,
"median": {"color": "red"},
"ticks": {"color":"red", "size":100}
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "Body Mass (g)",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"zero": false}