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Extracting a curve and identifying coordinates from an image using OpenCV

Currently I am particularly interested in pacing strategy optimization in different sports. As part of these kind of processes, I have to define certain courses concerning distance and changes in altitude along the course. I thought I could make this process easier by extracting the data I need from downloaded schematic course profiles (.png) using OpenCV, instead of other lot more manual and time consuming solutions.

After reviewing some of the previous questions at SO, I aimed for identifying the curve representing the course profile of a specific course iodentify some of its points using a predetermined step size (pixels) and saving their coordinates to.csv. However, since I am a very beginner in OpenCV, I believe there must be some better approaches, unsurprisingly, my attempt wasn't well-executed.

Something I also find problematic in my approach is that identification of the curve is very color dependent, thereby if an image with different graphics is used, I need to rewrite parts of the code. Is there a way to avoid this?

Here you can find an example image, representing a course profile I used for testing my code Course profile

My code looks like as follows:

`import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image_path = r"image"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)

hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

color_blue1 = np.array([100, 50, 50])
color_blue2 = np.array([140, 255, 255])

mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_image, color_blue1, color_blue2)

blue_curve = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask)

# Converting the result to grayscale
gray_curve = cv2.cvtColor(blue_curve, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

edges = cv2.Canny(gray_curve, 50, 150)

contours, _ = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

curve_contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)

curve_points = curve_contour.squeeze()

curve_points = curve_points[np.argsort(curve_points[:, 0])]

def sample_curve(points, step):
    x_values = points[:, 0]
    sampled_points = []
    for x in range(x_values.min(), x_values.max(), step):

        interval_points = points[(x_values >= x) & (x_values < x + step)]
        if interval_points.size:

            avg_y = interval_points[:, 1].mean()
            sampled_points.append([x, avg_y])
    return np.array(sampled_points)

# Set step frequency (pixels)
step_frequency = 5
sampled_curve = sample_curve(curve_points, step_frequency)

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
plt.plot(curve_points[:, 0], curve_points[:, 1], 'r-', label='Detected curve')
plt.scatter(sampled_curve[:, 0], sampled_curve[:, 1], color='blue', label='Sampled points')

np.savetxt('sampled_curve.csv', sampled_curve, delimiter=',', header='distance,altitude', comments='')`

which gave the following result: Result

EDIT: Here is a course profile relatively clean of markings, for testing methods: Profile 2


  • This question has been like a fun puzzle for me, i have long answer for you. I tried my best to make the code simple and commented but still its long and complex. First i will explain the pipeline:

      1. Enter your graphs x-axis limits and y-axis limits and select the exact region including the whole graph.
      1. Crop the selected region and turn it into gray image.
      1. Get profile lines along the width of the gray image.
      1. For each profile line find falling edges and rising edges through the profile points.A point from falling edge here will have a negative difference with the previous point and the opposite is true for rising edges.
      1. From the falling and rising edges find all the sinks in the profile data. _A sink here is a falling edge followed by a rising edge.Now one of theese sinks is coming from the curve as a result of the dark pixels of the curve on the white background.
      1. Then from the sinks find the curve point with this algorithm:

        6.1. If there is only one sink then its center is the curve point

        6.2. If there are multiple sinks detected then the one closest to previous point is the curve point

        6.3. If there is no sink detected no curve point on this profile

    As curve's color is dark(low gray value) and the background is white (high gray value) the drop between the pixel value remains mostly the same (around 180 for your graph). Teherefore by catching every gray level drop on that range you can reconstruct the complete curve.

    In the below image a profile line is drawn along the blue line and its point plot is shown. As you can see from the plot there is a big drop which corresponds to a curve point, and it is detected by the above method and it is shown as a red circle on the profile line.

    Example Profile

    Here all the profiles and the detected points are shown:

    All Profiles Drawn

    Here is the curve regenerated and plotted again: Re-Constructed Curve

    Here is the complete code, there are many parameters for fine tuning for different cases.

    import numpy
    import skimage
    import cv2
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    #Function to take difference between two consecutive points
    now = 0
    def differentiator(variable):
        global now
        before = now
        now = variable
        return now-before
    #Function to find rising edges from profile data
    def findRisingEdges(profile, min_height=1, max_height=255, min_width=1, max_width=255,smoothing=10):
        profile_diff = [differentiator(p) for p in profile]
        if smoothing:
            profile_diff = [pd if abs(pd)>smoothing else 0 for pd in profile_diff]
        rising_edges = []
        while i < len(profile_diff): # do not check the last point
            edge_start,edge_end = None,None
            diff = profile_diff[i]
            #Search positive derivative for rising edge
            if diff > 0:
                edge_start = i-1 if i>1 else i
                #Find where the edge ends by searching non-positive derivative
                if i == (len(profile_diff)-1):# if its the last point then it is edge end
                    edge_end = i
                    i = i + 1
                    while profile_diff[i+1]>0:
                        i = i + 1
                        if i == (len(profile_diff)-1):
                    edge_end = i
                    i = i + 1
                edge_width = edge_end - edge_start
                edge_height = profile[edge_end] - profile[edge_start]
                if edge_width >= min_width and edge_width <= max_width and edge_height >= min_height and edge_height <= max_height:
                i = i + 1
        return rising_edges
    #Function to find falling edges from profile data
    def findFallingEdges(profile, min_height=1, max_height=255, min_width=1, max_width=255,smoothing=10):
        profile_diff = [differentiator(p) for p in profile]
        if smoothing:
            profile_diff = [pd if abs(pd)>smoothing else 0 for pd in profile_diff]
        falling_edges = []
        while i < len(profile_diff): # do not check the last point
            edge_start,edge_end = None,None
            diff = profile_diff[i]
            #Search negative derivative for rising edge
            if diff < 0:
                edge_start = i-1 if i>1 else i
                #Find where the edge ends by searching non-negative derivative
                if i == (len(profile_diff)-1):# if its the last point then it is edge end
                    edge_end = i
                    i = i + 1
                    while profile_diff[i+1]<0:
                        i = i + 1
                        if i == (len(profile_diff)-1):
                    edge_end = i
                    i = i + 1
                edge_width = edge_end - edge_start
                edge_height = abs(profile[edge_end] - profile[edge_start])
                if edge_width >= min_width and edge_width <= max_width and edge_height >= min_height and edge_height <= max_height:
                i = i + 1
        return falling_edges
    #Function to find sinks on the profile by looking for falling edges followed by rising edges
    def findSinks(profile, min_width=3, min_depth=50, smoothing=10,
                    min_fe_height=1, max_fe_height=255, min_fe_width=1, max_fe_width=255, 
                    min_re_height=1, max_re_height=255, min_re_width=1, max_re_width=255):
        rEdges = findRisingEdges(profile, min_height=min_fe_height, max_height=max_fe_height, min_width=min_fe_width, max_width=max_fe_width,smoothing=smoothing)
        fEdges = findFallingEdges(profile, min_height=min_re_height, max_height=max_re_height, min_width=min_re_width, max_width=max_re_width,smoothing=smoothing)
        sinks = []
        for rising_edge in rEdges:
            rising_edge_start,rising_edge_end,reWidth,reHeight = rising_edge 
            falling_edge_starts = [f[0] for f in fEdges]
            #Find all the sinks
            for y in reversed(range(0,rising_edge_end)):
                if y in falling_edge_starts:
                    falling_edge_start,falling_edge_end,feWidth,feHeight = fEdges[falling_edge_starts.index(y)]
                    sinkwidth = rising_edge_end-falling_edge_start+1
                    depth = (feHeight+reHeight)//2
                    if sinkwidth>=min_width and depth>=min_depth:
        return sinks
    #Function to find the curve from the image 
    def extractCurve(src_image, profile_interval=5):
        #Read the image
        h,w,c = src_image.shape
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(src_image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #Scan the image through it's width(x-axis) get profile line extract curve's points
        last_y_level = 0 #this will always contain the latest curve point
        curve_points = []
        for xi in range(w//profile_interval):
            #Draw the profile on image
            #Get the profile
            profile = skimage.measure.profile_line(gray, (0,xi*profile_interval), (h,xi*profile_interval), linewidth=1, mode='constant') #Take the profile line
            #Find all the sinks in the profile data one of thesee points belongs to the curve
            sinks = findSinks(profile,smoothing=10,min_fe_height=150,min_re_height=150)
            if len(sinks)==0:   #If no sink no curve point
            elif len(sinks)==1: #If 1 sink it is the curve point
                start,end,depth = sinks[0]
                pX,pY = xi*profile_interval,(start+end)//2
                last_y_level = pY
            else:   #If multiple sinks choose the one closest to last curve point
                closest = sinks[0]
                start,end,depth = closest
                min_y_dist = abs((start+end)//2 - last_y_level)
                for sink in sinks:
                    start,end,depth = sink
                    y_dist = abs((start+end)//2 - last_y_level)
                    if y_dist < min_y_dist:
                        min_y_dist = y_dist
                        closest = sink
                start,end,depth = closest
                pX,pY = xi*profile_interval,(start+end)//2
                last_y_level = pY
            # pyplot.plot(profile,'o-')
        return curve_points
    #Read the image
    image = cv2.imread('graph.png')
    #Choose the region of interest including excat boundries the graph
    rx,ry,rw,rh = cv2.selectROI('Select The Complete and Exact Boundaries of Graph',image)
    graph = image[ry:ry+rh,rx:rx+rw]
    cv2.destroyWindow('Select The Complete and Exact Boundaries of Graph')
    #Enter the min and max values from the source graph here
    y_min,y_max = 610, 680
    x_min,x_max = 0, 3500
    #Extract the curve points on the image
    curve = extractCurve(graph)
    #Map curve (x,y) pixel points to actual data points from graph
    curve_normalized = [[int((cx/rw)*(x_max-x_min)+x_min),int((1-cy/rh)*(y_max-y_min)+y_min)] for cx,cy in curve]
    curve_normalized = numpy.array(curve_normalized)
    #Plot the newly constructed curve
    pyplot.title('Curve Re-Constructed')

    I cant explain the complete code here but these are the keypoints:

    • profile_interval in the extractCurve() function is the number of pixel between to consecutive profiles. For better approximation you may keep it small.

    • smoothing in findSinks() function is added to prevent the noise or gridlines to be slected as candidate curve points. Difference less then smoothing will be considered 0, so that the sharp changes are detected as curve points.

    • Finally if your images are cleaner then the one you added here the curve extraction will be better.

    Also feel free to ask further explanations.