I got this code:
var testList = <String>[];
await db
.where('user', arrayContainsAny: [db.doc('users/' + uid)])
.then((value) {
value.docs.forEach((element) {
for (final test in testList) {
this runs smoothly and i get a testList of 2 test ids. Later i am trying this:
final testCollectionEntries = {
'tests': db.doc('tests/' + testList),
'name': testCollectionName
await db.collection("testsCollection").add(testCollectionEntries );
tests is a field type of a List of Document References in firebase. How can i make a list of Document References in order to use it to this code.
I found this as an answer. You need to make your code like this instead:
final testCollectionEntries = {
//'tests': db.doc('tests/' + testList), //REMOVE THIS IN ORDER TO USE UPDATE LATER
'name': testCollectionName
DocumentReference testRef = //ADD THIS VAR
await db.collection("testsCollection").add(testCollectionEntries);
await db
.where('user', arrayContainsAny: [db.doc('users/' + uid)])
.then((value) { //USE THEN FOR ITERATION
value.docs.forEach((element) {
print(db.doc('tests/' + element.id));
FieldValue.arrayUnion([db.doc('examiners/' + element.id)]) //DONT FORGET BRACKETS []