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How to add multiple children in a body

I am new to Dart and I am currently stuck on how to add multiple children in a body. Right now I need to add 4 children in a body and I do not know what to do.

I have tried this:

This is my body:

body: Column(
    children: [
      LinkBox(), // Add the link box here
    Expanded(child: MyHomePage()),

I need to add the following children into my body:

  1. LinkBox()
  2. MyHomePage()
  3. ShoppingItem()
  4. ShoppingGallery()

I have tried to do this:

body: Column(
    children: [
      LinkBox(), // Add the link box here
    Expanded(child: MyHomePage()),
    Expanded(child: ShoppingItem()),
    Expanded(child: ShoppingGallery()),

Also tried to do this:

body: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
      LinkBox(), // Add the link box here

And also this:

body: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
      LinkBox(), // Add the link box here
      Expanded(child: MyHomePage()),
    Expanded(child: ShoppingItem()),
    Expanded(child: ShoppingGallery()),

It resulted with a lot of problems and I could not run the code on DartPad.

I want it to look like this:

image 1

with this below:

image 2

These are the problems that dart pad resulted in:

1st problem
2nd problem
3rd problem


  • As in error message, your widgets ShoppingItem and ShoppingGallery have required parameters which you did not provide, those are name, priceRange and rating. You are unable to build Flutter/Dart app without required parameters. Please read to know more about how classes work in dart (Widgets are essentially dart classes)