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JAXB Customizations With a Poorly Formed WSDL

This is driving me insane. I have a schema embedded within a WSDL that needs customization because WSIMPORT is throwing the following error

[ERROR] Complex type and its child element share the same name "DomainsMap".
Use a class customization to resolve this conflict.
line 878 of file:/C:/jaxws-ri/bin/ArtesiaWebServices.wsdl

1) I have no control over this WSDL as I am building a WSDL first client and I expect it to go over revisions w/o any formal consultation or release to me. 2) It is not acceptable any longer to manually fix this naming collision because I need to include the construction of stubs into an automated build chain.

I must use an external customization file. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the customization to work.

Here is the offending WSDL fragment:

       <xs:complexType final="extension restriction" name="domainsMap">
           <xs:element name="domainsMap">
                 <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="entry">
                       <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="key" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="value" type="tns:domainValueMap"/>

This would be a great chance for you to flex your JAXB skills. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've been staring at the jaxb documentation for hours and still no luck. I can offer the entire WSDL if need be. Can anyone help?


  • Well this morning I came in to work and was able to figure this out. Sometimes just walking away from the problem and coming back with a fresh head is the best way. Here is the solution that worked for me:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
      xmlns:jaxb="" jaxb:version="2.1"
        <jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xs:schema/xs:complexType[@name='domainsMap']/xs:sequence/xs:element[@name='domainsMap']/xs:complexType">
            <!-- This binding will fix the domainsMap inner element called domainsMap. sheesh, who names stuff like that?! -->
            <jaxb:class name="DomainsMapElement"/>
        <jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xs:schema/xs:complexType[@name='domainValueMap']/xs:sequence/xs:element[@name='domainValueMap']/xs:complexType">
            <!-- This binding will fix the domainValueMap inner element called domainValueMap. sheesh, who names stuff like that?! -->
            <jaxb:class name="DomainValueMapElement"/>

    I use the above external binding file with the wsimport tool in the following command.

    Important things about this binding file:

    • The namespace for jaxws bindings is used. This is the only way I could get the node selection to work properly
    • The node selection has to end with /xs:complexType. If you stop at selecting the the element name the compiler will generate errors.

      wsimport -d generated -keep -b ArtesiaExternalBinding.xml ArtesiaWebServices.wsdl

    Options used:
    -d generated specifies the output directory (a folder named 'generated' in this case)
    -b ArtesiaExternalBinding.xml tells the JAXB compiler to use the binding file.
    -keep keep the stubs (i just use the stubs for inspection)

    finally, I found this to be the most helpful tidbit of information: documents on jaxws customizations

    This is what lead me to nesting the jaxb customizations within jaxws tags. Thanks for the link Petru Gardea