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Handle click on MenuBarExtra's icon without opening menu

Is there a way for MenuBarExtra to handle click on the icon and perform some action, without opening a view?

I know it's possible with NSStatusItem, but I already have other MenuBarExtra items that I would like to keep an order (doesn't seem like there is a way to reorder them either).


  • Here is a rather convoluted way to do this. Use a .window style menu bar extra, and use a NSViewControllerRepresentable as the window's content.

    In the NSViewController, you can override viewWillAppear to detect the click. Then dismiss the window immediately.

    struct MyView: NSViewControllerRepresentable {
        @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
        let onClick: () -> Void
        class ChangeDetector: NSViewController {
            var dismiss: DismissAction?
            var onClick: (() -> Void)?
            override func viewWillAppear() {
                Task {
            override func loadView() {
                self.view = NSView()
        func makeNSViewController(context: Context) -> ChangeDetector {
            let detector = ChangeDetector()
            return detector
        func updateNSViewController(_ nsView: ChangeDetector, context: Context) {
            nsView.dismiss = dismiss
            nsView.onClick = onClick
    MenuBarExtra("Some title", systemImage: "circle.fill") {
        MyView() {

    As for ordering NSStatusItems, note that the user can manually drag the status items while holding down the command key to reorder them.