I have a use case where I need the permutations of boolean. However I do not need them when they are reversed. So I can do something like this:
import itertools
p for p in
if p!=p[::-1]
This issue is that this is a list, stored in memory, and with increasing repeats I will run into memory errors.
Is it possible to "subset" an iterator while keeping it as an iterator?
If possible I am looking for a general answer, that applies to any sub setting strategy on any iterator
You use a generator expression, syntactically identical to a listcomp, but using parentheses rather than square brackets as the delimiter:
p for p in
if p!=p[::-1]
If the generator expression is the sole argument to a function, you don't even need the extra parentheses (the function call parentheses serve double duty delimiting the function argument and the genexpr).