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Mermaid style color/fill/stroke of an entity or attribute in ER diagram

reading the documentation

How is this style config applied? I would like to style the following diagram:

    CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
    CAR {
        string registrationNumber
        string make
        string model
    PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is
    PERSON {
        string firstName
        string lastName
        int age

Explicitly I would like to color the registrationNumber. How is this possible using the fill option indicated in the documentation?

Here a link to the live editor: Mermaid Live Example



  • The styling options defined by Mermaid seem not to apply to the individual entity attributes.

    But you can prepend your Mermaid code with a preamble containing a themeCSS configuration property. This can contain a CSS selector that relies on internals of the SVG being generated by the Mermaid renderer, specifically

    • the id attribute for an entity (entity- followed by the entity name followed another hyphen and more)
    • the ordering of the rect boxes (the 2nd and 3rd make up the first entity attribute).

    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <pre class="mermaid">
      themeCSS: |
        [id|=entity-CAR] rect:nth-of-type(2),
        [id|=entity-CAR] rect:nth-of-type(3)
        { fill: yellow; }
        CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
        CAR {
            string registrationNumber
            string make
            string model
        PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is
        PERSON {
            string firstName
            string lastName
            int age