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NETWORK_NOT_PEERED trying to create an AlloyDB instance through gcloud CLI

I'm trying to create an AlloyDB instance using the gcloud CLI using these commands:

gcloud alloydb clusters create default \
  --region=$LOCATION \
gcloud alloydb instances create default \
  --cluster=default \
  --region=$LOCATION \
  --cpu-count=2 \

The first command succeeds, but the second fails with:

service networking config validation failed NETWORK_NOT_PEERED - no peering found on network, see for details

I believe I have to manually configure the peering network but I can't understand how? If I add the --enable-private-service-connect flag the instance is successfully created but then I'm unable to reach it from my GKE cluster, and I see the AlloyDB cluster has an empty "Network" entry.


  • I managed to create the instance with these commands:

    gcloud alloydb clusters create default \
      --region=$LOCATION \
      --password=postgres \
    gcloud compute addresses create servicenetworking-googleapis-com \
        --global \
        --purpose=VPC_PEERING \
        --addresses= \
        --prefix-length=16 \
    gcloud services vpc-peerings connect \ \
        --ranges=servicenetworking-googleapis-com \
    gcloud alloydb instances create default \
      --cluster=default \
      --region=$LOCATION \
      --cpu-count=2 \