In an app that I am working on, I wanted to delete the themes.xml
file, since I plan to only use Jetpack Compose's MaterialTheme. I deleted it along with the references to it in AndroidManifest.xml
. This seems to have worked fine, except for one thing. There is now an Action Bar visible at the top of my app, like in this example:
Image of an Action Bar
It seems that the Action Bar was not there in the first place because of this line in the themes.xml
<style name="Theme.Inventory" parent="android:Theme.Material.Light.NoActionBar">
My question is: is it possible to disable the Action Bar without the use of XML?
I tried searching for how I can manipulate this default Action Bar with Jetpack Compose, but was not able to find an answer. I know that you can modify elements such as the Status Bar and the Navigation Bar with a SystemUiController, but I am not aware if that is what I am supposed to use.
In your component activity's onCreate
class MainActivity: ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Remove the default action bar
setContent {
This works for me and I have no XML theme.