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Handle Entity classes with Symfony Validator component

I'm trying to use symfony/validator outside of Symfony by just installing composer require symfony/validator (vemphasized text7.1)

Following this guide

I now have:

$validator = Validation::createValidator();
$violations = $validator->validate($someName, [
    new Length(['min' => 10]),
    new NotBlank(),

This validation works fine.

But I would like validation like in this guide: So that I can validate something like this:

// src/Entity/Author.php

namespace App\Entity;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Author
    public string $name;

When I now try to validate it $violations is always 0 even if the name is null

    $author = new Author();
    $author->name = null;
    $validator = Validation::createValidator();
    $violations = $validator->validate($author);

The documentation isn't very clear on this but it looks like the standalone version is incapable of handling a class like this.

Is something like this possible with the standalone version?


  • After battling this one for hours, and trying various solutions provided online as well as @Arno van Oordt's answer which did not work for me, I figured it out and it was so simple.

    namespace App\Domain\Entities;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
    class Slug
        private string $slug;
        public function setSlug(): string
            return $this->slug;

    This is what worked for me

    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
    $validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
    $slug = new Slug();

    The key that I was missing was ->enableAttributeMapping() that I had been missing.

    So in your case it will look like this

    $author = new Author();
    $author->name = null;
    $validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
    $violations = $validator->validate($author);