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How to determine if page or controller is the entry point of the website (the home page)?

In ASP.NET Core, from within a page or a controller, how can I check if that page or controller is the home page of the website? By "home page", I mean the controller or page you get when you enter just the root of the website, like "".

I'm aware that I can get the RouteData and use its Values property to get the current page or controller, like string? currentPage = RouteData.Values["page"] as string and then check if currentPage == "/Index". However, what if custom route conventions specify a different name for the home page instead of the default "/Index" page or "/Home" controller?

In short, how can I make a reliable method like the hypothetical IsHome() method, that tells me if I'm in the home page of the website, independently of whether I'm using MVC controllers or Razor pages?


  • You can inject the HttpContextAccessor and access the "controller" and "action" names using HttpContext.Request.RouteValues

    Count = 2
        [0]: {[action, Index]}
        [1]: {[controller, Home]}

    1. Add the service to your Program.cs
    builder.Services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
    1. Create a static class and method that accepts 2 string parameters
    public static class HomeHelper
       public static bool IsHome(string controller, string action)
          // customize the logic depending on which you want is the home
          return (controller.toLower() == "home" && action.toLower() == "index")
    1. Inject httpContextAccessor in your controller and use the static class, in the example below it's home controller
    public class HomeController : ControllerBase
       private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
       public HomeController(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
          _contextAccessor = contextAccessor;
       public IActionResult Index()
          var controllerName = _contextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues["controller"];
          var actionName = _context.Accessor.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues["action"];
          // this will return true
          var isHome = HomeHelper.IsHome(controllerName, actionName);
          return Content("");

    The default route your project is indicated in; Project > Properties > launchSettings.json then look for launchUrl

    enter image description here

    You can also indicate another default route or fallback by specifying in your Program.cs; app.MapFallbackToController("Index", "Home");