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AspNetCore.SassCompiler: Does not compile variables

I'm trying to get a blazor web app (server side rendering, windows, .net8.0) to use an scss file for some variables, which I later want to import into .css files.

The MS docu mentioned AspNetCore.SassCompiler, which I'm trying to use (version is 1.77.8).

So, I've got a GlobalStyles/StyleSheet.scss with one line:


and an appsettings file looking like this:

    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "SassCompiler": {
        "Source": "GlobalStyles",
        "Target": "wwwroot/css",
        "Arguments": "--style=compressed --verbose",
        "GenerateScopedCss": true,
        "ScopedCssFolders": [ "Views", "Pages", "Shared", "Components" ]

Now, what I get is a StyleSheet.css in the right place, but the only content is this:

/*# */

And no error or other messages in the build output window in Visual Studio. What I had expected was something like

--xxx-color: #aaaaaa;

for importing into other css files.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong here?


  • Maybe we made a mistake for using SCSS? Here's my test for reproducing your issue.

    enter image description here

    Then if my definition looks like this, it worked

    enter image description here

    My test result.

    @page "/counter/{Color?}"
    @rendermode InteractiveServer
    <div class="@BackgroundStyle">
        this is the content
    @code {
        public string Color { get; set; } = BackgroundColor.LightGrey.ToString();
        public enum BackgroundColor { LightGrey, MediumGrey, DarkGrey }
        private string BackgroundStyle => $"BackColor-{Color}";
    $BackColor-LightGrey: #d4d3d2;
    $BackColor-MediumGrey: #8f9194;
    $BackColor-DarkGrey: #585959;
    .BackColor {
        &-LightGrey {
            background-color: $BackColor-LightGrey;
        &-MediumGrey {
            background-color: $BackColor-MediumGrey;
        &-DarkGrey {
            background-color: $BackColor-DarkGrey;

    enter image description here

    Here's my configuration in appsettings.json. My scss file is placed in Pages folder like you can see in screenshot Counter.razor.scss, so that I have "Source": "Pages",.

    "SassCompiler": {
       "Source": "Pages",
       "Target": "wwwroot/css",
       "Arguments": "--style=compressed --verbose",
       "GenerateScopedCss": true,
       "ScopedCssFolders": [ "Views", "Pages", "Shared", "Components" ]