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asp-action and asp-controller in innerHtml in js file

I need insert Html in Html document. I use innerHtml for this.

let newCardHTML = `
                    <div class="header">
                        <h4 class="card-counter">${currentCardNumber}</h4>
                        a class="button-bin btn" asp-action="DeleteCard" asp-controller="Cards" asp-route-cardId="currentCardNumber" ></a>                       

I receive error Attribute DeleteCard is not allowed here.

I try

var url = '@Url.Action("DeleteCard","Cards", new {cardId = 0})';
var linkHtml = '<a class = button-bin btn" href ="' + url+ '"></a>';
newCardHTML.querySelector('.header').innerHTML = linkHtml;

However this doesn't work and Local variable linkHtml is redundant.


  • You couldn't directly use the Razor syntax with the core tag helper inside the js string, one solution is using the @Url.Action to generate the url and then put it inside the js.

    More details, you could refer to below codes:

    <div class="container">
        var baseUrl = Url.Action("DeleteCard", "Cards", new { cardId = 0 });
    @section Scripts{
    let currentCardNumber = 1; 
    // Replace the '0' in the base URL with the actual card number
    let deleteCardUrl = '@baseUrl'.replace('0', currentCardNumber);
    let newCardHTML = `
        <div class="header">
            <h4 class="card-counter">${currentCardNumber}</h4>
            <a class="button-bin btn" href="${deleteCardUrl}"></a>                       
    document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML += newCardHTML;


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