I need insert Html in Html document. I use innerHtml
for this.
let newCardHTML = `
<div class="header">
<h4 class="card-counter">${currentCardNumber}</h4>
a class="button-bin btn" asp-action="DeleteCard" asp-controller="Cards" asp-route-cardId="currentCardNumber" ></a>
I receive error Attribute DeleteCard is not allowed here.
I try
var url = '@Url.Action("DeleteCard","Cards", new {cardId = 0})';
var linkHtml = '<a class = button-bin btn" href ="' + url+ '"></a>';
newCardHTML.querySelector('.header').innerHTML = linkHtml;
However this doesn't work and Local variable linkHtml is redundant
You couldn't directly use the Razor syntax with the asp.net core tag helper inside the js string, one solution is using the @Url.Action to generate the url and then put it inside the js.
More details, you could refer to below codes:
<div class="container">
var baseUrl = Url.Action("DeleteCard", "Cards", new { cardId = 0 });
@section Scripts{
let currentCardNumber = 1;
// Replace the '0' in the base URL with the actual card number
let deleteCardUrl = '@baseUrl'.replace('0', currentCardNumber);
let newCardHTML = `
<div class="header">
<h4 class="card-counter">${currentCardNumber}</h4>
<a class="button-bin btn" href="${deleteCardUrl}"></a>
document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML += newCardHTML;