In laravel referral system i want two foreign keys(userId,parentId) if user registers using referral code
I defined two foreign keys (userId,parentId) in the network table when a user registers with a referral code. It's id, and its parent ID get saved in network table with userId and parentId, respectively, but I'm finding it difficult, so I recently saw a new method to define a foreign key references on primary key in the same table something like:
->onDelete('set null');
But not sure how it works, so any guidance.
for those users who have no referral, they can't have parent_id. but you have not defined that parent_id can be null. for the current code, it need to have a parent_id.
change parent_id non-null to nullable. here is the updated code
->nullable() // add nullable so that parent_id can be null
->onDelete('set null');