I am trying to see last three months data, but my code gives me all data. It doesnt give last three months data.
You can see the result in both cases i am getting data from 2023. Ex: "2023-12-12T00:36:52.606Z"
Backend: controler.js This doesn't work.
let sixMonths = new Date();
const invoices = await Invoice.find({
createdAt: { $gte: sixMonths.setMonth(sixMonths.getMonth() - 6) },
Gives:All data
** Backend: controler.js ** This doesn't work.
var threeMonthsAgo = new Date();
threeMonthsAgo.setMonth(threeMonthsAgo.getMonth() - 3);
var threeMonthsAgoInSeconds = threeMonthsAgo.getTime() / 1000;
const invoices = await Invoice.find({
createdAt: { $gte: threeMonthsAgoInSeconds },
Gives:All data
import mongoose from "mongoose";
const { ObjectId } = mongoose.Schema;
const invoiceSchema = mongoose.Schema(
customerName: {
type: String,
{ timestamps: true }
const Invoice = mongoose.model("invoice", invoiceSchema);
export default Invoice;
This is how data is saved in mongodb:
"_id": {
"$oid": "66b96341d443780c300af038"
"customerName": "Mehdi",
"createdAt": {
"$date": "2024-08-12T01:20:01.383Z"
"updatedAt": {
"$date": "2024-08-12T01:20:01.383Z"
"__v": 0
If i want last 3 months like this 2023's(November,December) + 2024's (January) how do i do that????
I am trying to get MongoDB last 3 months data, but failed in every thing and every way. Need help on that.
Your query works when you are trying to fetch the documents created within the latest 3 months.
However, if you want to query the document from a specific range (For example: from November 2023 to January 2024), you must apply the filter with the start date ($gte
) and end date ($lt
const invoices = await Invoice.find({
createdAt: {
$gte: ISODate("2023-11-01"),
$lt: ISODate("2024-02-01")
I am not sure how you define the start date, assume that it is from the user input or your specified value.
var endDate = new Date();
endDate = new Date(endDate.setDate(1)); // Result: 2024-08-01
var startDate = new Date(endDate.setMonth(endDate.getMonth() - 3)); // Result: 2024-05-01
const invoices = await Invoice.find({
createdAt: {
$gte: startDate,
$lt: endDate