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CSS @counter-style similar to toLocaleString

Is it possible to have a list counter style that behaves like number.toLocaleString()? Or at the very least, show commas in the thousands places?

Basically to show like 1,234 (or ideally 1.234 depending on locale?)

I don't see anything like that as a Predefined counter style

What I'm really trying to do is to use CSS animations to animate a counter, ex here: - and I would like for it to show with commas (or ideally locale-correct) in the output.

It seems like the way to do it is with @counter-style in the content: counter(num /*, counter-style? */ ); part, but I'm not 100% clear on that.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you


  • Using JS is pretty much required. All supported descriptors are listed in MDN, and non of these directly or non-directly allows this goal to be achieved, even if only using comma without considering locale .

    From what I see using a huge fixed set of symbols is a potential solution, but then the number of symbols needed to be defined will obviously be too large.

    One possible, but very limited pure CSS workaround I can think of is to use 2 (or more) counters controlling each 3-digit segmant with pad: 3 "0". This idea is very limited because it will only work if the counter increment is fixed, and is a number being 1 or divisible by 10. The initial count needs to be 0 or positive as well. See below example using only 2 counters, and the counter is fixed to increase 100 for each list item. Since these is only 2 counters, it supports only 0 to 9,999.

    @counter-style hundres-paded {
      system: extends decimal;
      pad: 3 "0";
    .item:first-child {
      counter-reset: hundreds 0;
    .item:not(:first-child) {
      counter-increment: hundreds 100;
    .item:nth-child(10n+11) {
      counter-reset: hundreds 000;
      counter-increment: thounsands 1;
    .item::before {
      content: counter(hundreds);
    .item:nth-child(n+11)::before {
      content: counter(thounsands) "," counter(hundreds, hundres-paded);
    <div class="item"></div>
    <div class="item"></div>
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