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Macro to trigger building block for specific text in ms word docs

I am looking for a macro which run and trigger the building block for a specific text in ms word docs.

i love this below code got from this forum. But my thing is how to find a particular text and trigger this macro automatically

For example: If my word docs having text "MyBB" then i need the building block named "MyBB" comes automatically once i run the code

i have stored many building blocks and activating it with F3 key on particular text in daily work

Need a help to modify the code which runs a mentioned above

Sub InsertMyBB()
' Assumes that the Building Block is of the type AutoText (wdTypeAutoText) in Category "General"
' See
' This is based in part upon contributions from Greg Maxey and Jay Freedman - any errors remain mine
' Written by Charles Kenyon February 2016
Dim sBBName As String
Dim sTempName As String
Dim oBB As BuildingBlock
sBBName = "MyBB" 'use the name of your building block instead of "MyBB"
sTempName = ThisDocument.FullName ' puts name and full path of template in string variable
On Error Resume Next
Application.Templates.LoadBuildingBlocks  ' thank you Timothy Rylatt
Set oBB = Application.Templates(sTempName).BuildingBlockTypes(wdTypeAutoText) \_
If Err.Number = 0 Then
oBB.Insert Selection.Range, True
MsgBox Prompt:="The Building Block '" & sBBName & "' cannot be found in " & \_
ThisDocument.Name & ".", Title:="Didn't Work!"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
Dim strSearch As String

    strSearch = "3000"
    With Selection.Find
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .MatchCase = True
        .Format = True
        .Text = strSearch
    Do While Selection.Find.Found = True And icount < 1000
    icount = icount + 1
    Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory
    strSearch = "5000"
    With Selection.Find
         .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .MatchCase = True
        .Format = True
        .Text = strSearch
    Do While Selection.Find.Found = True And icount < 1000
    icount = icount + 1
    Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory


    End With
    End With
   End Sub


  • Given a document reference, and an array of Building Block names, this method should replace the name of each building block with its corresponding content, for all instances found in the document:

    Sub CheckAllBB()
    ' Assumes that the Building Block is of the type AutoText (wdTypeAutoText) in Category "General"
    ' See
    ' This is based in part upon contributions from Greg Maxey and Jay Freedman - any errors remain mine
    ' Written by Charles Kenyon February 2016
        Dim sBBName As Variant, sTempName As String
        Dim oBB As BuildingBlock, oBBT As BuildingBlockType, doc As Document
        sTempName = ThisDocument.FullName
        Application.Templates.LoadBuildingBlocks  ' thank you Timothy Rylatt
        Set oBBT = Application.Templates(sTempName).BuildingBlockTypes(wdTypeAutoText)
        Set doc = ActiveDocument 'the document with placeholders to be replaced
        'loop over building block names
        For Each sBBName In Array("MyBB1", "MyBB2", "MyBB3")
            Set oBB = Nothing    'reset to nothing
            On Error Resume Next
            'Try to get the building block
            Set oBB = oBBT.Categories("General").BuildingBlocks(sBBName)
            On Error GoTo 0
            If Not oBB Is Nothing Then 'got the building block?
                ReplaceAllBB doc, oBB  'perform the replacement(s)
                MsgBox "The Building Block '" & sBBName & "' cannot be found in " & _
                        ThisDocument.Name & ".", vbExclamation, "Building Block not found"
            End If
        Next sBBName
    End Sub
    Sub ReplaceAllBB(doc As Document, BB As BuildingBlock)
        Dim allBB As New Collection, rng As Range
        Set rng = doc.Range
        With rng.Find
            .Forward = True
            .Text = BB.Name
            .MatchWholeWord = True
            Do While .Execute
                allBB.Add rng.Duplicate
        End With
        Debug.Print "Found " & allBB.Count; " instances of '" & BB.Name & "'"
        For Each rng In allBB
            BB.Insert rng, True
        Next rng
    End Sub