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New Trace and Span Generated even after using TraceId and SpanID from Remote Context

I am injecting the spanId and traceId flowing via HTTP header to to build a remote context and creating new Span, however the new span does not get the parent trace and span but created its own trace id. As a result it does not get attached to the desired parent span.

OpenTelemetry openTelemetry = AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk.initialize().getOpenTelemetrySdk();

Tracer tracer = openTelemetry.getTracer(INSTRUMENTATION_NAME);

String[] ids = (headers.get("x-cloud-trace-context").split(";"))[0].split("/");

SpanContext remoteContext = SpanContext.createFromRemoteParent(

Span span = tracer
            .spanBuilder("Make Call Out")

Span childSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("HTTP Request")
//Some Work

When I see trace explorer the default trace (from Cloud Run endpoint invocation ) and custom trace (from Java code) has two different traces. Ideally they should be hooked in same hierarchy in single trace.

enter image description here

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  • I realised that the span id that is extracted from the request header was a decimal number however while creating the context it expects in a hexadecimal format.

    SPAN_ID is a 64-bit decimal representation of the unsigned span ID.

    Reference -