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How to trigger the `Beep` function a second time in VBA

I've built a dynamic to-do scheduler that allows the user to input tasks alongside their respective start times.

The clock runs in real time, and conditional formatting is used to highlight the current task in green. When the clock gets to n number of seconds (according to WarningSeconds) before the start time of the next task, the current task turns red, and the Beep sound plays five times.

Then, when the next task kicks in, it turns green and the previous one gets crossed out. That's great, but I want the Beep to play five times at the start of the new task as well. I've tried various things, but none of my implementations work.

What can I add to my code to get this working?

Check out the example here:

Here, the Beep plays five times at 17:29:50, but I need it to play at 17:30:00 as well.

#If VBA7 Then
    Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)
    Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If

Public IsRunning As Boolean
Public AlarmCounter As Integer

Sub StartStopClock()
        IsRunning = Not IsRunning
        AlarmCounter = 0 ' Initialise the counter
        ' Start the timer
End Sub

Sub TimerLoop()
    On Error Resume Next
    Do While IsRunning
        Sheet1.Range("Clock").Value = TimeValue(Now)
        If AlarmCounter < 5 Then
        End If
End Sub

Sub ActivateAlarm()
    If Range("WarningAlert").Value = True Then
        Sleep (1000)
        AlarmCounter = AlarmCounter + 1 ' Increment the counter
    End If
End Sub

The formula for WarningAlert is:



  • One important element of a timer loop is to use Sleep in combination with DoEvents to make sure that CPU consumption remains low. At least that made my Excel-Pomodoro-Timer work much smoother and helped keep Excel more responsive. It can be as small as 10 milliseconds and still make a big difference.

    If you don't want it to mess up with the timing you can always keep it inside an if-statement:

            If AlarmCounter = 0 Then
                Sleep (10)
            End If

    Regarding you issue of not being able to replay the alarm at the start of the task, I'd suggest to make use of flag variables to allow you to control in what state the loop is in. For instance, are we in the state of playing the alarm at the end of a task; are we waiting for the next task to start; etc.

    One possible implementation could look something like this:

    Public IsRunning As Boolean
    Public AlarmCounter As Integer
    Sub StartStopClock()
            IsRunning = Not IsRunning
            AlarmCounter = 0 ' Initialise the counter
            ' Start the timer
    End Sub
    Sub TimerLoop()
        'We need to Resume Next to avoid errors occuring if we edit cells inside Excel while the loop is running.
        On Error Resume Next
        Do While IsRunning
            If AlarmCounter = 0 Then
                Sleep (10)
            End If
            Sheet1.Range("Clock").Value = TimeValue(Now)
            Dim NotificationOngoing As Boolean
            Dim WaitingForNextTask As Boolean
            If Range("WarningAlert").Value = True And Not WaitingForNextTask Then
                NotificationOngoing = True
            End If
            If NotificationOngoing Then
                If AlarmCounter < 5 Then
                    AlarmCounter = 0
                    NotificationOngoing = False
                    WaitingForNextTask = True
                    Dim NextTaskStart As Date
                    NextTaskStart = Now + (ThisWorkbook.Names("WarningSeconds").RefersToRange.Value2 - 5) / 24 / 3600
                End If
            End If
            If WaitingForNextTask And Now >= NextTaskStart Then
                If AlarmCounter < 5 Then
                    AlarmCounter = 0
                    WaitingForNextTask = False
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Sub ActivateAlarm()
        Sleep (1000)
        AlarmCounter = AlarmCounter + 1 ' Increment the counter
    End Sub