I've tried using a few different methods but all end up not working.
I'm trying to read from a directory and iterate all the .desc files and inspect all the fields in each class. I'm trying to build a dependency tree with the outer classes being the parent nodes and the leaves being the nested classes. I'm trying to do this all dynamically based on a root folder containing the .desc files (or proto files). Nothing is statically typed.
The error: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf8 in position 197: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf8 in position 197: invalid start byte in field: google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.name
def gen1(desc_file, db=None):
if not db:
db = symbol_database.Default()
with open(desc_file, 'rb') as fh:
fds = _descriptor_pool.DescriptorPool().AddSerializedFile(fh.read()) # <- this errors
generated = {}
for prot in fds.file:
fd = db.pool.Add(prot)
for name in fd.message_types_by_name:
mdesc = fd.message_types_by_name[name]
Klass = reflection.MakeClass(mdesc)
generated[(fd.package, name)] = db.RegisterMessage(Klass)
return generated
The Protobuf hierarchy is confusing/complex.
The following is a basic approach to enumerating the contents of a Protobuf descriptor file:
from google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 import FileDescriptorSet
with open("descriptor.pb", 'rb') as descriptor:
data = descriptor.read()
fds = FileDescriptorSet.FromString(data)
# file: FileDescriptorProto
for file in fds.file:
# service: ServiceDescriptorProto
for service in file.service:
# method: MethodDescriptorProto
for method in service.method:
# message: DescriptorProto
for message_type in file.message_type:
# field: FieldDescriptorProto
for field in message_type.field: