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How to solve three coupled differential equations in python using RK-4 and shooting method? or using solve_bvp?

I am trying to solve three coupled differential equations in Python. I am using RK-4 techniques with Shooting method. I am trying to plot the f and N functions.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

alpha = 0.1

def F(r, f, v, N, sig):
    g = np.sin(f)
    h = np.cos(f)
    i = np.sin(2 * f)

    dfdr = v
    dNdr = -(alpha*r**2 * N * v**2 *(r**2 + 2 * g**2)+alpha * g**2 * (g**2 +2* r**2) + r**2*(N-1))/r**3
    dsigdr = ( alpha * sig * v**2 * (r**2 + 2 * g**2)) / r
    f1= v*((2 * dsigdr * g**2)/(sig * r**2)+(2 * dNdr * g**2)/(N * r**2)+((dsigdr)/sig +dNdr / N + 2 / r))
    dvdr = -(f1 -i/(N * r**2)+(-(2 * g**3 * h)/(N * r**4)+(v**2 * i)/r**2)) / (1 + (2 * g**2) / r**2)
    return [dfdr, dNdr, dsigdr, dvdr]

def rk4(F, r_range, f0, v0, N0, s0, h):
    r_values = np.arange(r_range[0], r_range[1], h)
    f_values = np.linspace(f0, 0, len(r_values))
    v_values = np.linspace(v0, 0, len(r_values))
    N_values = np.linspace(N0, 1, len(r_values))
    S_values = np.linspace(s0, 1, len(r_values))

    for i in range(1, len(r_values)):
        r = r_values[i-1]
        f = f_values[i-1]
        v = v_values[i-1]
        N = N_values[i-1]
        sig = S_values[i-1]
        k1f, k1v, k1N, k1S = F(r, f, v, N, sig)
        k2f, k2v, k2N, k2S = F(r + 0.5*h, f + 0.5*k1f*h, v + 0.5*k1v*h, N + 0.5*k1N*h, sig +0.5*k1S*h)
        k3f, k3v, k3N, k3S = F(r + 0.5*h, f + 0.5*k2f*h, v + 0.5*k2v*h, N + 0.5*k2N*h, sig +0.5*k2S*h)
        k4f, k4v, k4N, k4S = F(r + h, f + k3f*h, v + k3v*h, N + k3N*h, sig + k3S*h)
        f_values[i] = f + ((k1f + 2*k2f + 2*k3f + k4f)*h) / 6
        v_values[i] = v + ((k1v + 2*k2v + 2*k3v + k4v)*h) / 6
        N_values[i] = N + ((k1N + 2*k2N + 2*k3N + k4N)*h) / 6
        S_values[i] = sig + ((k1S + 2*k2S + 2*k3S + k4S)*h)/ 6
    return r_values, f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values

rmin = 0.001
rmax = 4
r_range=[rmin, rmax]
h = 0.00001

def objective(u):

    v0, s0 = u
    r_values, f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values = rk4(F, r_range, np.pi, v0, 1, s0, h)
    y1 = f_values[-1]
    y2 = S_values[-1]
    print(f"Objective results: y1={y1}, y2={y2}")

    return [y1 , y2 - 1]

initial_guess=[-0.478, -1.216]
v1 = fsolve(objective, initial_guess, xtol=1e-8)
print("The initial values of v0 and sig0 given by fsolve:", v1[0], " and ", v1[1])

r_values,  f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values = rk4(F, [rmin, rmax], np.pi, v1[0], 1, v1[1], h)
y3 = f_values[-1]
y4 = S_values[-1]
print("The value of f and sig at outer boundary is:", y3, y4)

if np.abs(y3) < 1e-6 and 1<= y4 <1.1:
    print("Boundary condition f(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of f at outer boundar is:", y3)
    print("Boundary condition sig(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of sig at outer boundar is:", y4)
    print("The solutions did not converge")

plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))
plt.plot(r_values, f_values, label='f(r)')
plt.plot(r_values, N_values, label='N(r)')

But the nature of the plot is completely different from my expectations. The output is

Objective results: y1=0.000372840219254553, y2=1.0001907509516712
Objective results: y1=0.000372840219254553, y2=1.0001907509516712
Objective results: y1=0.000372840219254553, y2=1.0001907509516712
Objective results: y1=0.00037294172854991653, y2=1.0001906882951273
Objective results: y1=0.000372824083910513, y2=1.0001907727358128
Objective results: y1=1.8398001535383646e-07, y2=0.9999999172810013
Objective results: y1=1.1072732970996606e-11, y2=1.0000000000024691
Objective results: y1=2.1284157569008075e-12, y2=0.9999999999969905
Objective results: y1=1.1784771089214975e-13, y2=0.9999999999997673
The initial values of v0 and sig0 given by fsolve: -0.4780664768861783  and  -1.2166450055671914
The value of f and sig at the outer boundary is: 1.1784771089214975e-13 0.9999999999997673
The solutions did not converge

As you see the value of sig at the outer boundary is almost one (0.9999999999997673).

  1. This is the nature of the plot as expected

  2. This is the plot I am getting

  3. These are the three coupled differential equations with boundary conditions

  4. I forgot to mention an extra condition on function N, here an extra condition on function N is given

I also tried the above code with a smaller value of h (=0.000001) and different values of rmin, rmax, alpha and initial_guess but the result was the same.

I also tried to solve the problem using solve_bvp. Here is the code using solve_bvp

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

alpha = 0.1

def F(r, f):
    #f, v, N, sig = S
    g = np.sin(f[0])
    h = np.cos(f[0])
    i = np.sin(2 * f[0])
    #dfdr = v
    dNdr = -( alpha * r**2 * f[2] * f[1]**2 * (r**2 + 2* g**2) +  alpha * g**2 * (g**2 +2* r**2) + r**2 * (f[2] - 1)) / r**3
    dsigdr = ( alpha * f[3] * f[1]**2 * (r**2 + 2 * g**2)) / r
    ter1=((dsigdr) / f[3] + dNdr / f[2] + 2 / r  +(2 * dsigdr * g**2) / (f[3] * r**2) + (2 * dNdr* g**2) / (f[2] * r**2))
    dvdr = -((f[1] * ter1 - i / (f[2] * r**2)) + (-(2 * g**3 * h) / (f[2] * r**4) + (f[1]**2 * i) / r**2)) / (1 + (2 * g**2) / r**2)
    return np.vstack((f[1], dvdr, dNdr, dsigdr))

def bc(fa, fb):
    return np.array([fa[0]-np.pi, fb[0]-0, fa[2]-1, fb[3]-1])

rmin = 0.001
rmax = 5
x = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, 100000)

y=np.ones([4, x.size])
y[0, :] = np.linspace(np.pi, 0, x.size)
y[1, :] = np.linspace(-0.2, 0, x.size)

y[2, :] = np.linspace(1, 1, x.size)
y[3] = np.ones(x.size)  

sol = solve_bvp(F, bc, x, y, tol=1e-8, max_nodes=100000, verbose=2)

if sol.success:
    print("Solution converged")
    print("Solution did not converge")
    print("Residuals:", sol.message)
    print("Residuals max:", np.max(sol.rms_residuals))

#Plot the solutions
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))
plt.plot(sol.x, sol.y[0], label='f(r)')
#plt.plot(sol.x, sol.y[1], label='V(r)')
plt.plot(sol.x, sol.y[2], label='N(r)')

When I am using solve_bvp, I am getting the following error

Iteration    Max residual  Max BC residual  Total nodes    Nodes added  
       1          1.06e+00       3.41e-21        100000        (199998)    
Number of nodes is exceeded after iteration 1. 
Maximum relative residual: 1.06e+00 
Maximum boundary residual: 3.41e-21
Solution did not converge
Residuals: The maximum number of mesh nodes is exceeded.
Residuals max: 1.0570652692628755
       message: 'The maximum number of mesh nodes is exceeded.'
         niter: 1
             p: None
 rms_residuals: array([4.25858920e-01, 2.54417888e-01, 1.98041640e-01, ...,
       6.12622641e-05, 6.11022248e-05, 6.09430998e-05])
           sol: <scipy.interpolate._interpolate.PPoly object at 0x000001B21E651DF0>
        status: 1
       success: False

The plot using solve_bvp is better but the success status is false.

The nature of the plot using solve_bvp


  • I am referring to your "shooting" code.

    You have a major numerical error in the derivative routine, where return [dfdr, dNdr, dsigdr, dvdr] is the wrong order. The return order should be

    return [dfdr, dvdr, dNdr, dsigdr]

    You have an error in your equation (1), where you are missing a factor of 2 multiplying sin(2f) in the second line. Referring to the second of the references that you quote, this comes from differentiating 2.sin^2(f), which gives 4.sin(f)cos(f).df/dr, or 2.sin(2f).df/dr.

    Your whole derivative routine is difficult to align with the original equations, so I have taken the liberty of rewriting it below.

    You have correctly moved the lower boundary away from r=0. However, you can use the Taylor-series/power-series expansion to improve the values at rmin in this case: f(rmin)=pi+(df/dr)*rmin.

    I think that you should increase rmax (to 10, say), whilst with Runge-Kutta you can easily increase h by at least a factor of 10 to speed up results.

    Complete code below. Note that I have reverted to a value alpha=0.04 so that you can compare directly with your expected graph. (I have also divided f by pi in the picture, as is done there.)

    Final code:

    import math
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.optimize import fsolve
    alpha = 0.04
    def F(r, f, v, N, sig):
        S = math.sin(f)
        S2 = math.sin(2 * f)
        dfdr = v
        dNdr = -alpha*N*(r**2+2*S**2)*v**2/r - alpha*S**2*(S**2+2*r**2)/r**3 - (N-1)/r
        dsigdr = alpha*sig*v**2*(r**2+2*S**2)/r
        dvdr = ( (dNdr/N + dsigdr/sig)*(1+2*S**2/r**2) + 2/r + 2*S2*v/r**2 ) * v -(S2/N/r**2)*(1+N*v**2+S**2/r**2)
        dvdr = -dvdr/(1+2*S**2/r**2)
        return [dfdr, dvdr, dNdr, dsigdr]
    def rk4(F, r_range, f0, v0, N0, s0, h):
        r_values = np.arange(r_range[0], r_range[1], h)
        f_values = np.linspace(f0, 0, len(r_values))
        v_values = np.linspace(v0, 0, len(r_values))
        N_values = np.linspace(N0, 1, len(r_values))
        S_values = np.linspace(s0, 1, len(r_values))
        for i in range(1, len(r_values)):
            r = r_values[i-1]
            f = f_values[i-1]
            v = v_values[i-1]
            N = N_values[i-1]
            sig = S_values[i-1]
            k1f, k1v, k1N, k1S = F(r, f, v, N, sig)
            k2f, k2v, k2N, k2S = F(r + 0.5*h, f + 0.5*k1f*h, v + 0.5*k1v*h, N + 0.5*k1N*h, sig +0.5*k1S*h)
            k3f, k3v, k3N, k3S = F(r + 0.5*h, f + 0.5*k2f*h, v + 0.5*k2v*h, N + 0.5*k2N*h, sig +0.5*k2S*h)
            k4f, k4v, k4N, k4S = F(r + h, f + k3f*h, v + k3v*h, N + k3N*h, sig + k3S*h)
            f_values[i] = f + ((k1f + 2*k2f + 2*k3f + k4f)*h) / 6
            v_values[i] = v + ((k1v + 2*k2v + 2*k3v + k4v)*h) / 6
            N_values[i] = N + ((k1N + 2*k2N + 2*k3N + k4N)*h) / 6
            S_values[i] = sig + ((k1S + 2*k2S + 2*k3S + k4S)*h)/ 6
        return r_values, f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values
    rmin = 0.0001
    rmax = 10
    r_range=[rmin, rmax]
    h = 0.0001
    def objective(u):
        v0, s0 = u
        r_values, f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values = rk4(F, r_range, np.pi + v0 * rmin, v0, 1, s0, h)
        y1 = f_values[-1]
        y2 = S_values[-1]
        print(f"Objective results: y1={y1}, y2={y2}")
        return [y1 , y2 - 1]
    initial_guess=[-2.794, 0.471 ]
    v1 = fsolve(objective, initial_guess, xtol=1e-8)
    print("The initial values of v0 and sig0 given by fsolve:", v1[0], " and ", v1[1])
    r_values,  f_values, v_values, N_values, S_values = rk4(F, [rmin, rmax], np.pi + v1[0] * rmin, v1[0], 1, v1[1], h)
    y3 = f_values[-1]
    y4 = S_values[-1]
    print("The value of f and sig at outer boundary is:", y3, y4)
    if abs(y3) + abs( y4 - 1 ) < 1e-6:
        print("Boundary condition f(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of f at outer boundary is:", y3)
        print("Boundary condition sig(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of sig at outer boundary is:", y4)
        print("The solutions did not converge")
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    plt.plot(r_values, f_values/np.pi, label='f(r)/pi')
    plt.plot(r_values, N_values, label='N(r)')


    enter image description here

    Objective results: y1=0.00019542960351076646, y2=0.9993130868376403
    Objective results: y1=0.00019542960351076646, y2=0.9993130868376403
    Objective results: y1=0.00019542960351076646, y2=0.9993130868376403
    Objective results: y1=0.0001954504980834034, y2=0.9993130650610034
    Objective results: y1=0.00019542960351076646, y2=0.9993131017285548
    Objective results: y1=2.1493424939744863e-07, y2=1.000000127532956
    Objective results: y1=5.273386299353826e-10, y2=1.0000000001353808
    Objective results: y1=7.569440649813437e-13, y2=0.9999999999992873
    The initial values of v0 and sig0 given by fsolve: -2.7943898358693358  and  0.47122759362590755
    The value of f and sig at outer boundary is: 7.569440649813437e-13 0.9999999999992873
    Boundary condition f(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of f at outer boundary is: 7.569440649813437e-13
    Boundary condition sig(rmax) = 0 is satisfied, and the value of sig at outer boundary is: 0.9999999999992873