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why do the env variables not work in my cypress code

i am trying to integrate cypress and 1password together for safer automated testing. i have one test where i login, navigate, logout of the platform then move to archive and play money for nothing. i would like to do the same test using environment variables where i fetch the necessary login data from 1password. however the test runs early into an error and does not fetch my credentials.

running: "source ./ echo $CYPRESS_EMAIL echo $CYPRESS_PASSWORD" i do in fact get the right credentials.

i have also added the block below to the json file.

  "scripts": {
    "cy:run": "source ./ && cypress run",
    "cy:open": "source ./ && cypress open"

my sh file to fetch the credentials


# Fetch the email and password from 1Password using the 1Password CLI
email=$(op item get "Mogeniusßß" --vault="Employee" --fields username)
password=$(op item get "Mogeniusßß" --vault="Employee" --fields password)

# Check if the credentials were fetched successfully
if [ -z "$email" ] || [ -z "$password" ]; then
  echo "Failed to fetch credentials from 1Password. Please ensure the item exists and the 1Password CLI is logged in."
  exit 1

# Export the fetched credentials as environment variables
export CYPRESS_EMAIL=$email
export CYPRESS_PASSWORD=$password

for reference this is the first test that runs smoothly, which doesnt use env variables

describe('Login to Mogenius, perform actions, and then play a song', () => {

    it('should log in, handle cookie consent, navigate, and log out of Mogenius', () => {
        // Your actual login credentials
        const email = '**********************';
        const password = '********************';

        // Visit the login page

        // Handle "Accept & Close" cookie consent button if it appears
        cy.get('button#ppms_cm_agree-to-all').then(($btn) => {
            if ($':visible')) {
                cy.wrap($btn).click(); // Click the "Accept & Close" button

        // Enter the email using the placeholder attributex

        // Enter the password using the placeholder attribute

        // Click the login button

        // Assert that the login was successful by checking the URL or some element that appears after login
        cy.url().should('include', '');

        // Wait for the DemoOrg element to be visible and click it

        // Assert that the URL has changed to the DemoOrg page
        cy.url().should('include', '/studio/organization/35bdd042-fcb7-4afd-af03-9feffe1dbae1');

        // Wait for the JanGKE project element to be visible and click it

        // Wait for the EY element to be visible and click it

        // Wait for the Logout element to be visible and click it

        // Optionally, assert that the URL has changed to the login page
        cy.url().should('include', '');

    it('play Money for Nothing', {includeShadowDom: true, scrollBehavior: false}, () => {
        // Set preferable screen resolution
        cy.viewport(1500, 1500);

        // Page base URL

        // Handle any cookie consent or similar pop-ups on this page if they exist
        //cy.get('button#ppms_cm_agree-to-all').then(($btn) => {
            //if ($':visible')) {
               // cy.wrap($btn).click(); // Click the "Accept & Close" button
           // }

        // Play "Money For Nothing" - Track #11
        cy.contains('button', 'Money For Nothing').click();

i expect, having provided the details above for cypress to run smoothly through my test which is as follows:

describe('Login to Mogenius, perform actions, and then play a song', () => {
    it('should log in, handle cookie consent, navigate, and log out of Mogenius', () => {
        // Use the credentials from the environment variables
        const email = Cypress.env('CYPRESS_EMAIL');
        const password = Cypress.env('CYPRESS_PASSWORD');

        // Ensure the variables are correctly loaded
        //if (!email || !password) {
            //throw new Error('CYPRESS_EMAIL or CYPRESS_PASSWORD is not set');

        // Visit the login page

        // Handle "Accept & Close" cookie consent button if it appears
        cy.get('button#ppms_cm_agree-to-all').then(($btn) => {
            if ($':visible')) {
                cy.wrap($btn).click(); // Click the "Accept & Close" button

        // Enter the email using the placeholder attribute

        // Enter the password using the placeholder attribute

        // Click the login button

        // Assert that the login was successful by checking the URL or some element that appears after login
        cy.url().should('include', '');

        // Wait for the DemoOrg element to be visible and click it

        // Assert that the URL has changed to the DemoOrg page
        cy.url().should('include', '/studio/organization/35bdd042-fcb7-4afd-af03-9feffe1dbae1');

        // Wait for the JanGKE project element to be visible and click it

        // Wait for the EY element to be visible and click it

        // Wait for the Logout element to be visible and click it

        // Optionally, assert that the URL has changed to the login page
        cy.url().should('include', '');

    it('play Money for Nothing', { includeShadowDom: true, scrollBehavior: false }, () => {
        // Set preferable screen resolution
        cy.viewport(1500, 1500);

        // Page base URL

        // Play "Money For Nothing" - Track #11
        cy.contains('button', 'Money For Nothing').click();

unfortunately i get the following error:


cy.type() can only accept a string or number. You passed in: undefinedLearn more


  21 |
  22 |         // Enter the email using the placeholder attribute
> 23 |         cy.get('input[placeholder="Email"]').type(email);
     |                                              ^
  24 |
  25 |         // Enter the password using the placeholder attribute
  26 |         cy.get('input[placeholder="Password"]').type(password);

it is confusing that running : source ./


echo $CYPRESS_PASSWORD does give me the true credentials but somehow they dont get fetched during the test run.

help would be very much appreciated


  • From Overriding environment variables

    Cypress automatically removes the leading CYPRESS_ or cypress_ from any environment variable name specified in this way.

    Therefore when setting CYPRESS_EMAIL & CYPRESS_PASSWORD externally, you want this in your test code:

    const email = Cypress.env('EMAIL');
    const password = Cypress.env('PASSWORD');