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Failing to authenticate Microsoft Graph Java/Kotlin Client correctly

I have a bash script that uses curl and the microsoft graph api to get what I want. But I fail to translate this script into Kotlin code with the MS Java Graph Api SDK.

The working script is:

export CLIENT_ID='XXX' 
export TENANT_ID='XXX'
exoprt SCOPE='api://ourApp/2023/CustomScope'
export TOKEN=`curl \
    -d grant_type=client_credentials \
    -d client_id=$CLIENT_ID \
    -d client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET \
    -d scope=$SCOPE \
    -d resource= \$TENANT_ID/oauth2/token \
    | jq -j .access_token`
curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
    | jq .

I get a list of role assignments to my app. (The api with correct permissions is exposed under that scope)

Now I'm trying to recreate this in Kotlin using the docs:

val clientSecretCredential = ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()

client = GraphServiceClient(

val result = client.servicePrincipals().byServicePrincipalId(appObjectId).get().appRoleAssignedTo

If I fire the request with this client I get the error AADSTS1002012: The provided value for scope api://drupalwiki/2023/SyncEverything openid profile offline_access is not valid. Client credential flows must have a scope value with /.default suffixed to the resource identifier (application ID URI)

If I use "" as a scope, I only get an empty list. I also cannot rename our scope to e.g "api://ourApp/2023/.default" in the end because the Azure UI says this name is invalid. Apart from that, since the bash script workds, I would just like to initialize the client in the same way, is that possible?

Chees and thanks!


  • That's because appRoleAssignedTo is not a property, but a relationship, so you need to request for appRoleAssignedTo like this

    val result = client.servicePrincipals().byServicePrincipalId(appObjectId).appRoleAssignedTo().get();

    The scope must be