I have a list of dicts, something like:
"url": "bucket.amazonaws.com",
"file": "file1.txt"
"url": "github.com",
"file": "file2.txt"
I can filter the results to create a variable with files in AWS:
aws_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', '.*amazonaws\\.com.*') }}"
Or files in Github:
github_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', '.*github\\.com.*') }}"
How can I filter to find all files that don't match either of the above patterns?
This is what I have but I don't think it's right:
remaining_files: "{{ not (array | selectattr('url', 'match', '.*(amazonaws|github)\\.com.*')) }}"
This also doesn't work:
remaining_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'notmatch', '.*(amazonaws|github)\\.com.*') }}"
Also, secondary question: is there a way to match the pattern anywhere in the string (so I don't have to always add .*
to the beginning/end of the pattern).
For example, given the patterns in a list
- .*amazonaws\.com.*
- .*github\.com.*
and the array for testing
- {file: file1.txt, url: bucket.amazonaws.com}
- {file: file2.txt, url: github.com}
- {file: file3.txt, url: example.com}
Select the aws and github files
aws_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', patterns.0) }}"
github_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', patterns.1) }}"
aws_files: [{'file': 'file1.txt', 'url': 'bucket.amazonaws.com'}]
github_files: [{'file': 'file2.txt', 'url': 'github.com'}]
You can now subtract the matching lists
result: "{{ array | difference(aws_files + github_files) }}"
to get what you want
result: [{'file': 'file3.txt', 'url': 'example.com'}]
Or, you can reject joined patterns. The declaration below gives the same result
result: "{{ array | rejectattr('url', 'match', patterns|join('|')) }}"
Example of a complete playbook for testing
- hosts: localhost
- .*amazonaws\.com.*
- .*github\.com.*
- {file: file1.txt, url: bucket.amazonaws.com}
- {file: file2.txt, url: github.com}
- {file: file3.txt, url: example.com}
aws_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', patterns.0) }}"
github_files: "{{ array | selectattr('url', 'match', patterns.1) }}"
result: "{{ array | difference(aws_files + github_files) }}"
resul2: "{{ array | rejectattr('url', 'match', patterns|join('|')) }}"
- debug:
msg: |
aws_files: {{ aws_files }}
github_files: {{ github_files }}
result: {{ result }}
resul2: {{ resul2 }}
Note: You can simplify the patterns
- amazonaws\.com
- github\.com
and use search instead of match. The test match, quoting:
succeeds if it finds the pattern at the beginning of the string
but, the test search, quoting:
succeeds if it finds the pattern anywhere within the string