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How can I list child accounts in a specific child OU with AWS Terraform?

We have a following scenario in our AWS account,

└── Root account = r-abc
    └── Cloud OU = ou-1
        ├── Dev OU = ou-2
        │   ├── Acc1
        │   └── Acc2
        ├── Stage OU = ou-3
        │   ├── AccA
        │   └── AccB
        └── Prod OU = ou-4
            ├── AccX
            └── AccY

Could you please assist with the necessary lines I need to generate the output of accounts in ou-4 via Terraform? We need to list accounts using the OU ID - ou-4.


data "aws_organizations_organization" "org" {}

data "aws_organizations_organizational_units" "ou" {
  parent_id =[0].id

data "aws_organizations_organizational_unit_descendant_accounts" "org" {
  for_each  = { for ou in data.aws_organizations_organizational_units.ou.children : => }
  parent_id = each.value

output "accounts_nested_by_ou" {
  description = "nested map of all accounts (except master) by child OU if no nested OUs in org"
  value       = { for ou_name, ou_attributes in ou_name => 
     for accounts in ou_attributes.accounts: =>

Output received

Changes to Outputs:
  + accounts_nested_by_ou = {
      + Cloud OU           = {
          + Acc1                     = "111111111111"
          + Acc2                     = "222222222222"
          + AccA                     = "AAAAAAAAAAAA"
          + AccB                     = "BBBBBBBBBBBB"
          + AccX                     = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
          + AccY                     = "YYYYYYYYYYYY"

You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, without changing any real

Expected Output

Changes to Outputs:
  + accounts_nested_by_ou = {
      + Prod OU           = {
          + AccX                     = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
          + AccY                     = "YYYYYYYYYYYY"

You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, without changing any real


  • Based on the code you have provided in the question and you have tried, if the OU name is really Prod, then this should work:

    output "accounts_nested_by_ou" {
      description = "nested map of all accounts (except master) by child OU if no nested OUs in org"
      value = { for ou_name, ou_attributes in : ou_name => {
        for accounts in ou_attributes.accounts : =>
        } if ou_name == "Prod"

    In my organization, this shows the following output:

      + accounts_nested_by_ou = {
          + Prod = {
              + account-name = "012345678910"

    In general, this should work whateve the real name of the Prod OU is, just swap it in the if condition with the value you want.