I have a MudTabs
component, inside there is a MudTab
. The MudTab has a big chunk of razor that renders quite a lot of data through MudTextField
s. It works fine.
I wanted to refactor the code and move the "big chunk of razor" into separate component. I wish to render this component inside the tab instead.
Neither of the below mentioned approaches are working:
<MudTabPanel Text="Details">
<MudTabPanel Text="Details" Component="@DetailsComponent">
Anything missing in implementation?
has a ChildContent
parameter so you can simply do this to show the Counter
and Weather
components in two tabs.
@page "/"
<MudText Typo="Typo.h3" GutterBottom="true">Hello, world!</MudText>
<MudText Class="mb-8">Welcome to your new app, powered by MudBlazor and the .NET 8 Template!</MudText>
<MudTabs Elevation="2" Rounded="true" ApplyEffectsToContainer="true" PanelClass="pa-6">
<MudTabPanel Text="Counter">
<Counter />
<MudTabPanel Text="Weather">
<Weather />