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What's the meaning when configuring multi-targeting use TargetFramework.StartsWith in Maui?

I am creating a MAUI project that supporting iOS and Android platforms.

The .csproj of project need to distinguish iOS and Android when using different type of source.

There is a shared way from official document that Configure filename-based multi-targeting, such as including iOS files/folders as follows:

<ItemGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net8.0-ios')) != true">
  <BundleResource Include="Resource\*.png" />

However, there is an another way to include iOS files/folders as follows:

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net7.0-ios'">
    <MauiImage Include="Resource\*.png" />

The effect of them is different, the first method will crash but the second will not.

I can not understand this. If someone has more information between using them, that will be much appreciated.


  • Oh, I have understanded that, the effect of them maybe the same at the most status.

    But the code inside them should be the different, the fist condition != true, then we should remove the include, such as follows:

    <ItemGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net8.0-ios')) != true">
      <BundleResource remove="Resource\*.png" />

    and the effect will be the same with second one.

    Thanks for @FreakyAli taking care of this question.