Here's the problem statement from a coding platform -
Given a string S (that can contain multiple words), you need to find the word which has minimum length. Note : If multiple words are of same length, then answer will be first minimum length word in the string. Words are separated by single space only. Constraints : 1 <= Length of String S <= 10^5
I am aware of an efficient solution, but this is what I tried in my first attempt -
string = input().strip()
for word in words:
if n!=0:
mini = len(words[0])
for wordss in dic:
if (dic[wordss]<mini):
word = wordss
mini = dic[wordss]
The problem is that it passes only 2 of the 5 test cases, which are hidden (not available to me). I am not really sure about the problem with this approach. What kind of edge cases am I missing out?
Why bother with a dictionary at all? You can just find the minimum as you go along.
string = input().strip()
minlen = len( string ) + 1
bestword = ""
for word in string.split():
L = len( word )
if L < minlen:
minlen = L
bestword = word
print( bestword )
Three blind mice see how they run