I'm trying to migrate to quarkus-rest v3.13.2.
client from quarkus-resteasy
. However with the latest quarkus version my REST client sends only GET params and completely ignores POST body. I'm running the test in JVM (non-native) DEV mode locally. I guess I should include an additional library or other simple stuff. However cannot identify how to resolve it so far. Thank you in advance.
My code:
// Rest client generated by swagger (with manyally added annotations)
public interface ResourceClient {
CreateResourceResponse createResource(CreateResource body);
// DTO generated by swagger
@ApiModel(description = "The `createResource` request.")
@jakarta.annotation.Generated(value = "io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2024-06-12T12:45:38.427+02:00")
public class CreateResourceRequest {
private List<String> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
private List<ItemInput> items = new ArrayList<>();
Client initialization
public ResourceClient getClient(/.../) {
return QuarkusRestClientBuilder.newBuilder()
<!-- REST clients generation -->
* If your application uses a client and exposes REST endpoints,
please use Quarkus REST for the server part.
* Please note that the quarkus-resteasy-client extension may not be used with Quarkus REST,
use quarkus-rest-client instead.
See https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client
<!-- Generates rest API handler lambda (YES I USE REST SERVER AND CLIENT IN THE SAME SUB-MODULE -->
I enabled logs in my application-dev.properties
And can see that the payload is empty. However I'm sure I pass correct non null fields.
(vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Request: POST https://. .... content-length=0], Empty body
P.S. I've reported an issue to Quarkus here (basically same question): https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts/issues/1440#issue-2462892445
The issue was due to an interceptor that was reading rendering stream. Implementations of resteasy and cuarkus-rest writers are different and it causes issues.
See this comment for explanation. If you face similar issue, you can apply a simple fix