I have a frontend APP and a backend app.
I access my frontend via mydomain.com and this all works.
For my backend I access my endpoint(lambdas) via mydomain.com/API
This works for the most part for urls like:
But when I add params like:
--- this never hits the backend but remains on my frontend site.
My distrubation is setup:
Myserverless for this function:
handler: build/handler.handler
- http:
path: api/media/{imageName}
method: get
cors: true
I dont have anything in frontend that catches this route but for some reason it is not forwarded to the backend at all and lands on the frontend.
I have also tried navigating to the invoke url and it works as expceted.
What am I doing wrong?
This took me a while to figure out.
I had an issue earlier where lets say you are on your webb app and you are using react router. when switching links to lets say mydomain/x
react router would swittch the pages.
BUT if i would paste the url in a new browser mydomain/x
This would give me a 404 from the cloudfront. To handle this I setup a custom error page in my disttribution so that when it gets a 404 that it should navigate it to my frontend routing. In this case my backend responded with a 404 since mydomain/media/hello returns a 404 since i dont have a file called "hello" but this got caught my the error pages.
I did a workarround and return a 500
to test and the error is no longer there.