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Why Does My Jenkins Job Reset After Completion When Triggered by Gerrit?

I'm using a Jenkins pipeline that is triggered by Gerrit. After the job completes, it seems to reset, which causes issues with subsequent steps or tracking the results. Here is the relevant part of my pipeline configuration:

pipeline {
agent {
    label "builder"
environment {
    PROJ_ROOT = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
triggers {
    gerrit(triggerOnEvents: [
stages {
    stage("Preparation") {
        steps {
            script {
                // clone project and checkout specific change
                sh """
                git clone${env.GERRIT_PROJECT} ${env.uniqueProjectDir}
                cd ${env.uniqueProjectDir}
                git checkout ${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}
                git fetch origin ${env.GERRIT_REFSPEC}
                git checkout FETCH_HEAD
    stage("Run CIP Build and Tests") {
        steps {
            script {
                // run build and tests
                def buildResult = sh(script: "./bin/build/", returnStatus: true)
                if (buildResult != 0) {
                    currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
                    error "Build or tests failed."
    stage("Cleanup Docker") {
        steps {
            script {
                sh """
                docker ps -q --filter "status=exited" | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm || true
                docker network prune -f || true
                docker images -q --filter "dangling=true" | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rmi || true
post {
    always {
        echo "Pipeline finished."
        script {
    failure {
        echo "Pipeline failed."
    success {
        echo "Pipeline succeeded."


The Issue:

Whenever my Jenkins job fails, the Gerrit trigger settings get reset.


  • Has anyone encountered similar issues with Gerrit-triggered Jenkins jobs?
  • What could be causing this reset behavior?
  • I'm not sure if cleaning the workspace is causing the issue, but is there a safer way to perform the cleanup??


  • After testing, I found that the problem seems to be related to the triggers set in the Pipeline. This causes the Gerrit trigger to be reset every time the job fails.

    triggers {
    gerrit(triggerOnEvents: [
