I want to convert a list of zip codes into a DataFrame of latitude and longitude using data from this website: Free Map Tools.
Here’s my code, but it’s not returning the latitude and longitude data. How can I improve it ?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_lat_lng(zip_code):
# URL of the form processing page
url = 'https://www.freemaptools.com/convert-us-zip-code-to-lat-lng.htm'
# Create a session to handle cookies and headers
session = requests.Session()
# Send a GET request to get the initial form and any hidden data
response = session.get(url)
# Parse the page with BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Find form data (if needed)
# Note: The actual form data extraction depends on how the website is structured
# For simplicity, assume there's no hidden form data to worry about
# Prepare the data to send in the POST request
data = {
'zip': zip_code
# Include any other required form fields here if necessary
# Send a POST request with the zip code data
response = session.post(url, data=data)
# Parse the resulting page
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Extract latitude and longitude (you need to adjust these selectors based on the website's structure)
lat = soup.find('span', {'id': 'latitude'}).text.strip()
lng = soup.find('span', {'id': 'longitude'}).text.strip()
return lat, lng
# Example
zip_code = ['97048','63640','63628']
latitude, longitude = get_lat_lng(zip_code)
print(f'Latitude: {latitude}, Longitude: {longitude}')
query latitude and longitude data from https://www.freemaptools.com/convert-us-zip-code-to-lat-lng.htm#google_vignette
Querying a list of zip code,i.e. ['97048','63640','63628'], and obtain the latitude and longitude for each zip.
It results in error message.
import requests
api_url = (
zips = ["97048", "63640", "63628"]
headers = {
"Origin": "https://www.freemaptools.com",
for z in zips:
url = api_url.format(z)
data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
print(z, data)
97048 {'status': 1, 'output': [{'zip': '97048', 'latitude': '46.053228', 'longitude': '-122.971330'}]}
63640 {'status': 1, 'output': [{'zip': '63640', 'latitude': '37.747435', 'longitude': '-90.363484'}]}
63628 {'status': 1, 'output': [{'zip': '63628', 'latitude': '37.942778', 'longitude': '-90.484430'}]}