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how to rename file after export from filename sequential based on expression datatable in VB.NET

I'm Trying to to rename file image after export with datatable in VB.NET

I use library control LabelControl for .NET from BaiqiSoft

I have also asked Baiqisoft support and then he replied "this is the design behavior of our product." so the results of the export filename from the library are sequential .is there a solution I can rename after export image and also without mistakes I rename the filename based on expression datatable ? or another method?

Please Guide me

for more detailed documentation refer below link.

Imports System.IO
Imports BaiqiSoft.LabelControl
Public Class Form1
    Private m_DataTable As DataTable
    Private Sub CreateDataTable()
        If m_DataTable IsNot Nothing Then Return
        m_DataTable = New DataTable
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("ProductName", GetType(String))
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("Barcode", GetType(String))
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("Price", GetType(Single))
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("LabelNumber", GetType(Integer))
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("QTY", GetType(Integer))
        m_DataTable.Columns.Add("Filename", GetType(String), "ProductName +','+ Barcode")
        m_DataTable.Rows.Add("Mishi Kobe Niku", "845723054943", 96.0, 2, 1)
        m_DataTable.Rows.Add("Carnarvon Tigers", "246321456231", 61.5, 1, 1)
        m_DataTable.Rows.Add("Ipoh Coffee", "589412354786", 46.0, 3, 1)
        m_DataTable.Rows.Add("Aniseed Syrup", "457125463254", 10.0, 1, 1)
        m_DataTable.Rows.Add("Teatime Chocolate Biscuits", "232145674321", 9.2, 5, 1)
    End Sub
Private Sub Btnexport_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btnexport.Click
        Dim theLabel As New LabelPrinting()
        theLabel.LicenseKey = ""
        theLabel.OpenLabel(Application.StartupPath & "\test.blf")
        Dim selectedRows As DataTable = m_DataTable.Clone
        selectedRows.Columns("Filename").Expression = Nothing : selectedRows.Columns("Filename").ReadOnly = False
        For Each row2 As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
            Dim isselect As Boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(row2.Cells("checkboxcolumn").Value)
            If isselect Then
                Dim newRow As DataRow = selectedRows.NewRow()
                newRow("ProductName") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("ProductName")
                newRow("Barcode") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Barcode")
                newRow("Price") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Price")
                newRow("LabelNumber") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("LabelNumber")
                newRow("QTY") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("QTY")
                newRow("Filename") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("ProductName") + "," + m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Barcode") + ".png"
                theLabel.Label.QuantityColumn = "QTY"
            End If
        Next row2
        theLabel.DataSource = selectedRows
        theLabel.ExportOptions.FileName = "test"
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Path = Application.StartupPath
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Quantity = QuantityOptions.AllRecords
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Format = ImageFormats.Png
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Resolution = 300
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        DataGridView1.DataSource = m_DataTable
        Dim CheckedBoxColumn As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
        CheckedBoxColumn.Width = 40
        CheckedBoxColumn.Name = "checkboxcolumn"
        CheckedBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Check"
        DataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, CheckedBoxColumn)
    End Sub
End Class

Result from Code :






It should be like this (Desired result):

Mishi Kobe Niku,845723054943.png
Carnarvon Tigers,246321456231.png
Ipoh Coffee,589412354786.png
Aniseed Syrup,457125463254.png
Teatime Chocolate Biscuits,232145674321.png

Is it possible that I can rename like this

test1.png >>>> Mishi Kobe Niku,845723054943.png

test2.png >>>> Carnarvon Tigers,246321456231.png

test3.png >>>> Ipoh Coffee,589412354786.png

test4.png >>>> Aniseed Syrup,457125463254.png

test5.png >>>> Teatime Chocolate Biscuits,232145674321.png

Tim Schmelter
Andrew Morton


  • You should be able to rename the files afterwards, just map the original name with the desired new name, for example in a Dictionary(Of String, String):

    Private Sub Btnexport_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btnexport.Click
        Dim theLabel As New LabelPrinting()
        theLabel.LicenseKey = ""
        theLabel.OpenLabel(Application.StartupPath & "\test.blf")
        Dim selectedRows As DataTable = m_DataTable.Clone
        selectedRows.Columns("Filename").Expression = Nothing : selectedRows.Columns("Filename").ReadOnly = False
        Dim fileNameMapper = New Dictionary(Of String, String)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
        Dim fileCounter As Int32 = 0
        Dim fileName = "test"
        For Each row2 As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
            Dim isselect As Boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(row2.Cells("checkboxcolumn").Value)
            If isselect Then
                Dim newRow As DataRow = selectedRows.NewRow()
                newRow("ProductName") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("ProductName")
                newRow("Barcode") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Barcode")
                newRow("Price") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Price")
                newRow("LabelNumber") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("LabelNumber")
                newRow("QTY") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("QTY")
                newRow("Filename") = m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("ProductName") + "," + m_DataTable.Rows(row2.Index)("Barcode") + ".png"
                theLabel.Label.QuantityColumn = "QTY"
                fileCounter += 1 
                Dim originalName = $"{fileName}{fileCounter}.png"
                fileNameMapper.Add(originalName, newRow.Field(Of String)("Filename"))
            End If
        Next row2
        theLabel.DataSource = selectedRows
        theLabel.ExportOptions.FileName = fileName
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Path = Application.StartupPath
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Quantity = QuantityOptions.AllRecords
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Format = ImageFormats.Png
        theLabel.ExportOptions.Resolution = 300
        RenameFiles(fileNameMapper, theLabel.ExportOptions.Path)
    End Sub

    The RenameFiles method is straightforward with little help of LINQ:

    Private Sub RenameFiles(fileNameMapper As Dictionary(Of String,String), path As String)
        Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(path)
        Dim files = dir.EnumerateFiles().
            Where(Function(fi) fileNameMapper.ContainsKey(fi.Name))
        For Each file In files
            Dim destination = IO.Path.Combine(file.Directory.FullName, fileNameMapper(file.Name))
            file.MoveTo(destination, true)
    End Sub