The below is a screenshot for the NuGet for a project. The Updates tab lists no packages.
But this Installed shows this package that is 2 major versions out of date. I have seen this happen before.
Is there a way to have Update show all libraries that can be updated?
As @zivkan said, Updates
tab only shows directly referenced packages, not transitive packages. I guess it could be by-design. From looking at this Introducing Transitive Dependencies in Visual Studio, we can know that Transitive Packages
in Installed
tab is a new feature in VS17.3. It seems that Transitive Packages is not supported in Updates
tab now.
You can run get-package -updates
in PM command to verify it: Only Top-level packages are detected for update.
As for a workaround, you can promote this transitive dependency to a top-level dependency. This will override a resolved version to an unaffected version of a library that has a known vulnerability until a patch has been released.
After that, you could see this packages in Updates
Right click this transitive package->select a new version->Install
Besides, you can also raise a feature request from here:
That will allow you to directly interact with the appropriate product group, and make it more convenient for the product group to collect and categorize your suggestions.