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MFC: How do you get the page orientation in OnPreparePrinting() prior to calling base class?

I need to determine if the print will be Landscape or Portrait in the CViews' OnPreparePrinting() function before calling the base class.

I tried a couple ways, one works except the first call, the other not at all:

// Method that always says it's Portrait even after changing "Page Setup" to Landscape.   

BOOL CMyView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
  bool landscape=false;
    CPrintDialog pd(TRUE);
    if (pd.GetDefaults()) {
        DEVMODE* pdevmode=pd.GetDevMode();
        if (pdevmode) {

   // ...

// Method that fails theApp.CreatePrinterDC(dc) the first time it's called, but works correctly after that.

BOOL CMyView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
    bool landscape=false;
        CDC dc;
        if (theApp.CreatePrinterDC(dc)) {
            pInfo->m_rectDraw.SetRect(0, 0, dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES), dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES));
            if (pInfo->m_rectDraw.Width()>pInfo->m_rectDraw.Height()) {
    // ....

What is the correct way to determine Landscape or Portrait prior to calling the base class (or showing any Dialogs) in OnPreparePrinting() ?



  • The pd.GetDefaults() call is not the correct function to use. The following works:

    BOOL CMyView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
        bool landscape=false;
            CPrintDialog pd(TRUE);
            if (theApp.GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(&pd.m_pd)) {
                DEVMODE* pdevmode=pd.GetDevMode();
                if (pdevmode) {
        // ....

    Reference: CWinApp:GetPrinterDeviceDefaults