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Possible to use LINQ Expression with Delegate Signature to obtain parameters?

Is it possible to obtain ParameterInfo and argument values for a delegate invocation which is inside a (compiler-generated) LambdaExpression?

For example I have defined a delegate:

public class A
   public delegate string[] GetInfo(int[] ids);

Now I need to use an expression to obtain the parameter values with the PropertyInfo of the delegate parameters. Only way I was able to get the Expression to work is to use it as an Action:

public readonly struct DelegateInfo
    public Type ReturnType{ get; }

    public Dictionary<ParameterInfo, object> Parameters { get; }

public class B
    public B()
        var info = GetDelegateInfo<A.GetInfo>(del => del(new int[]{1,2,3}));

    public DelegateInfo GetDelegateInfo<TDelegate>(Expression<Action<TDelegate>> exp)
        where TDelegate : Delegate
        // Get the action of the expression
        var action = exp.Parameters[0];

        // How to obtain the delegate ParameterInfo and values?

        return new DelegateInfo { ... };

Is this the right way to achieve this? Is there a better way?


  • With updated struct to:

    public readonly struct DelegateInfo
        public Type ReturnType { get; init; }
        public Dictionary<ParameterInfo, object> Parameters { get; init; }

    The main trick is to get the Invoke method of the delegate and do something like:

    DelegateInfo GetDelegateInfo<TDelegate>(Expression<Action<TDelegate>> exp)
        where TDelegate : Delegate
        var type = typeof(TDelegate); // or exp.Parameters[0].Type
        var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("Invoke"); // get the invoke method
        // TODO: throw error if not an InvocationExpression
        var invocationExpression = exp.Body as InvocationExpression;
        return new DelegateInfo
            ReturnType = methodInfo.ReturnType,
            Parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters()
                .Zip(invocationExpression.Arguments) // get passed arguments
                .ToDictionary(t => t.Item1, t =>
                    var argument = t.Item2;
                    // quick and dirty approach - compile and invoke
                    // possibly better to visit the expression
                    // but will require much more work
                    return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(argument).Compile()();