authenticates and fetch a JWT access token
from Azure AD
. BackendSystem
is authorizing myApplication
based on the claims in JWT access token
Decoded JWT
"aud": "abc",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1721983095,
"nbf": 1721983095,
"exp": 1721986995,
"aio": "Exx=",
"appid": "ID",
"appidacr": "x",
"idp": "",
"oid": "1xxx2",
"rh": "0xxx.",
"roles": [
"sub": "1xxx2",
"tid": "TID",
"uti": "YxxA",
"ver": "xxx"
In this list of claims, I would like to add a new custom claim Example
which is not part of the additional standard claims that are offered by Azure AD.
New JWT:
"aud": "abc",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1721983095,
"nbf": 1721983095,
"exp": 1721986995,
"aio": "Exx=",
"appid": "ID",
"appidacr": "x",
"idp": "",
"oid": "1xxx2",
"rh": "0xxx.",
"roles": [
"sub": "1xxx2",
"tid": "TID",
"uti": "YxxA",
"ver": "xxx",
"Example": "abc-123"
I'm new to Azure AD and found option to add only the optional standard claims (given_name, family_name, etc.) offered by Azure AD. How can I implement this?
Please note: This is not for SSO. myApplication
will not be sending this additional custom claim in the request to Azure AD
Based on the decoded token you provided, you are using client credential flow to generate access token.
Note that: Adding custom attribute or claims is not supported in client credential flow. Refer this Microsoft QnA by Shweta Mathur.
, objectid
and tags
.Hence you can add only the above-mentioned claims in the token by creating claim mapping policy like below:
Create a policy:
New-AzureADPolicy -Definition @('{"ClaimsMappingPolicy": {"Version": 1,"ClaimsSchema":[
{"Source": "application","ID": "DisplayName","JwtClaimType": "AppName"}]}}') -DisplayName "Claim-displayname" -Type "ClaimsMappingPolicy"
Assign the policy to Service Principal:
Add-AzureADServicePrincipalPolicy -Id SPObjID -RefObjectId PolicyID
Now I generated token via client credential flow:
When decoded the token, custom claim is displayed: