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Sorting by count total in AWS CloudWatch Log Insights when aggregating two fields

I am trying to create an AWS CloudWatch Log Insights query that will give me the top 5 classes logging error messages from a Java log file. The query below is able to parse my log file format, and provide a count of errors by className.

fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream
| parse @message '* * * [*][*:*] *' as date, time, logLevel, threadName, className, codeLineNumber, logMessage
| filter logLevel == "ERROR"
| stats count(*) by @logStream, className as errorsByClassName
| sort errorsByClassName desc
| limit 5

However, sorting is not working as expected.

Expected outout:

@logStream   || className      || errorsByClassName
server2      || MyClass1       || 1000
server4      || MyOtherClass   || 500
server1      || ARandomClass   || 20

Actual outout:

@logStream   || errorsByClassName || count(*)
server4      || MyOtherClass      || 500
server2      || MyClass1          || 1000
server1      || ARandomClass      || 20

It seems like the as keyword is being applied to the className field and not to the count(*). Modifying the query to only aggregate by a single field does produce the expected results.

How can I set an alias for count when aggregating two fields in order to sort the results?



  • You can move the as to next to the stats method, so the correct query should be:

    fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream
        | parse @message '* * * [*][*:*] *' as date, time, logLevel, threadName, className, codeLineNumber, logMessage
        | filter logLevel == "ERROR"
        | stats count(*) as errorsByClassName by @logStream, className 
        | sort errorsByClassName desc
        | limit 5