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CommunityToolkit - Problem centering Image inside in a SettingsCard

(note - reposting from my question on the CommunityToolkit github repo which doesn't seem very active - see for original)

I'm currently struggling with getting an Image to centre inside a SettingsCard, so I'm hoping someone can give me some pointers...

I'm kind of new to the Community Toolkit controls, and tbh I'm kind of new to WinUI / Xaml in general so I may be trying to do something daft - let me know if there's better way of doing what I'm doing.

Desired Layout

This is what I'm hoping to do... I have a SettingsExpander with a nested SettingsCard that contains an Image control. I'd like the Image to be centred horizontally within the SettingsCard:

enter image description here

(arrowed lines just for illustration - not part of the UI)

Actual Layout

Here's the Xaml I'm using, which is as close as I've been able to get to my desired layout.

    ... snip ...


            HeaderIcon="{ui:FontIcon Glyph=&#xEB3C;}"
            IsEnabled="{x:Bind ViewModel.IsMouseJumpEnabled, Mode=OneWay}"

                    <Image Source="{x:Bind Path=ViewModel.MouseJumpPreviewImage, Mode=OneWay}" />




However, this rendered as:

enter image description here


The problems I have are:

  • When using HorizontalAlignment="Center" in the SettingsCard, it seems to no longer fill the width of the SettingsExpander - there's light grey background visible either side of it.

  • The Image isn't perfectly centred in the SettingsCard - I think this is because there's space reserved for the HeaderIcon, but I've not been able to work out how to remove that space (HeaderIcon="" causes an exception, and I'm not sure what other values / settings I could use to remove the HeaderIcon).

This UserControl is part of a much bigger project I'm contributing to, so it's possible there's some global configuration settings being applied that I'm unaware of - I can give links to source if needed.

Any suggestions on what to try to fix this, or an alternative approach to achieve the same thing would be welcome...


  • I managed to put a workaround together - it's not pretty but it works.

    The first part was to wrap the image in a Grid and StackPanel to allow it to centre property inside the "content" area of the SettingsCard:

        ... snip ...
                HeaderIcon="{ui:FontIcon Glyph=&#xEB3C;}"
                IsEnabled="{x:Bind ViewModel.IsMouseJumpEnabled, Mode=OneWay}"
                            <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
                                <Image Source="{x:Bind Path=ViewModel.MouseJumpPreviewImage, Mode=OneWay}" Stretch="None" />

    The second part was to inspect the source code for the CommunityToolkit library and find the names of the private / internal controls so I could use get references to them and hide them - this expands the "content" area to fill the entire SettingsCard:

            private void PreviewImage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                bool TryFindFrameworkElement(SettingsCard settingsCard, string partName, out FrameworkElement result)
                    result = settingsCard.FindDescendants()
                            x => x.Name == partName);
                    return result is not null;
                    apply a variation of the "Left" VisualState for SettingsCards
                    to center the preview image in the true center of the card
                var settingsCard = (SettingsCard)sender;
                var partNames = new List<string>
                foreach (var partName in partNames)
                    if (!TryFindFrameworkElement(settingsCard, partName, out var element))
                    element.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                if (TryFindFrameworkElement(settingsCard, "PART_ContentPresenter", out var content))
                    Grid.SetRow(content, 1);
                    Grid.SetColumn(content, 1);
                    content.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

    This results in the following, with the image properly centred in the otherwise-empty SettingsCard:

    enter image description here

    There's a danger this might break if the internals of the SettingsCard library change, but it works for the time being, and I couldn't see a way to do it using just the public interface...